Dragon Ball GT: Goku Jr. Special

Title:Dragon Ball GT: Goku Jr. Special
Dragonball GT TV Special
Dragonball GT: Goku Jr. Special
Keywords: , , ,
Notables: Animation - Toei
R1 License - FUNimation
GOKU Jr finds himself on an adventure to MT. Paozou for dragon balls to save his dear grandma PAN...
One episode TV special (~45min).
[edit] The ↗Dragon Ball Franchise:

Main Continuity Dragon Ball Movies Dragon Ball Z Movies, OVAs, and TV Specials Dragon Ball Z Festival Shorts Dragon Ball GT Live-Action Movie
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 7 6 7 5 4 Ggultra2764 [series:478#1552]
(Watch-/ Avoid+)

This TV special was created to focus more on Pan and her grandson Goku Jr., being set almost a century after DBGT's events. It attempts to capture the same mood and feel as the original Dragon Ball series as Goku Jr. seeks out his great-great-grandpa's Dragon Ball at his old home while evading some forest baddies. Unfortunately, this series is more a pale imitation of what Dragon Ball offered up as Goku Jr. lacks the courageous persona of Goku, being cowardly until forced to act on his journey to get the Dragon Ball and is a bit out of place with Goku Jr. eventually being able to go Super Saiyan, creating a rather large inconsistency for this TV special's whole plot since the more grounded plot of Dragon Ball wouldn't mesh well at this point with the grand scales of power that the franchise has since demonstrated. While slightly better than its TV series counterpart with the newer plot focus, this is still one of the weaker entries in the Dragon Ball franchise thanks to its connections to DBGT.

Last updated Sunday, February 04 2018. Created Sunday, February 04 2018.
Rent 8 5 8 9 10 10 Bardock [series:478#1231]
Finally the innocent goy of Dragon
Ball returns in this movie. It features no shirtless guys screaming and flexing like the android and cell saga's of DBZ. This one contains little fighting but a good story. read one of the above posts if u want to know more

Last updated Friday, February 20 2004. Created Friday, February 20 2004.
Buy 8 8 8 10 9 6 sfmaniac [series:478#681]
Ive been a dragonball fan for a long time, since 1990, I would say I really liked this one too even though it didnt have much fighting. It was a cute movie and Goku Jr. was so cute. It made me cry when Goku Jr. was by his grandma Pans' side at the hospital and when he ran home crying. I think it was a pretty cool story. If you like dragonbaall for the fighting, this wouldnt be too good for you. If you like everything in Dragonball, you would definitely want this movie. Very emotional movie about Goku's courage and dedication to save his dying grandmother. But one question, who were Goku Jr.'s parents?? email me if you know

Last updated Wednesday, May 07 2003. Created Wednesday, May 07 2003.
Watch 7 6 8 9 5 6 Ðå kïÐ [series:478#464]
Very good anime for the kids i will admit this tho most DBZ fans will cry in horror to see there action pack series go down to some kids s**t. Goku Jr. and PAN was having an arguement about goku jr. being the decsendant of GOKU(the one we all know) and should not be pushed around by bullies at school which does that on a regular basis. She then falls to the ground because of some sickness she has then goku jr. starts to cry and s**t then they go to the nearest satan hospital and after all litte goku's crying he remembered about the dragon balls grandma PAN told him about when she use to collect them with goku and the gang when she was abourt his age he then finds himself teaming up with the bully and then on some punka** adventure. WAIT!!!! i have to stop this this anime was my favourite but they just messed it up with this kiddies crap if it comes on TV watch i otherwise dont event spend 3dollars on it.

Last updated Monday, January 06 2003. Created Monday, January 06 2003.

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