Action Titles

Action: (Genre) Lots of shooting, explosions, and the like. Contains subcategories of more specific types such as "Gun-Action", "Martial Arts", and "Swordplay"; see also: "Fighting".

Title Rating Synopsis
.hack//dusk Rent See .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu
.hack//Legend of the Twilight Rent See .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu
.hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT BRACELET Rent See .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu
.hack//Legend of Twilight's Bracelet Rent See .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu

Unevaluated The story takes place in the year 2020, in The World R:X (Revision:X), the newer and improved version of The World R:2. In this MMORPG, we meet three characters, Sakuya, Mary and Tobias who form a party and embark a dangerous quest in the high difficulty level quests and seek new adventures. The three of them use similar Player Characters as Kite, BlackRose and Balmung. (taken from aniDB)

Watch In 2015, CC Corporation`s datacenter caught on fire destroying "The World". By splicing in data from what would have been another project, CC Corp. was able to rebuild the game. In 2016, "The World R:2" was released. .hack//Roots covers the time Haseo spent with Shino and Ovan in the guild known as the Twilight Brigade, before the .hack//G.U. PS2 games. (ANIDB)

.hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu
Rent Five years after the events in the .hack video game series, The World invites twin siblings Shugo and Rena to play limited character players. These limited characters turn out to look exactly like Kite and Black Rose, the hero characters from the .hack video games, who were legendary .hackers that solved the riddle at the center of The World and made the game safe to play for everyone. Unfortunately, things start going sour as soon as Shugo and Rena show up; overpowered monsters killing low-level characters and sending their players into comas. It's up to Shugo, gifted with the Twilight Bracelet and the power of Data Drain, to solve the mystery and defeat whatever evil has taken over The World this time.
.hack//Udeden (Japanese) Rent See .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu
.hack//黄昏の腕輪伝説 Rent See .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu
009 - 1 Buy See 009-1
009 The Cyborg Soldier Watch See Cyborg 009

Buy In a very different future, the Cold War between the east and west has continued for 140 years. An agreement maintains a false peace and nuclear balance between the two sides. In the murky shadows of this momentary peace, spies and agents work to both gain an advantage and counter their opposites, while struggling not to push their conflict over the edge into outright war!
07 Ghost Watch See 07-Ghost

Watch Teito, a former sklave (German for "slave") who because of his magical powers is recruited into attending an elite military school. While taking part in the graduation finals required to become an army officer in the Barsburg Empire, he discovers his father's killer at his school and tries to kill him. Having failed in the attempt, Teito manages to elude capture, but gets caught up in a larger struggle between Verloren, the God of Death, and the “beings of light” sent by Heaven to oppose him: the Seven Ghosts.
100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams: The Animation Unevaluated See Yume Oukoku to Nemureru 100 Nin no Ouji-sama
Action Comedy(268) Adventure(477) Comedy(567) Comedy Fantasy(21)
Drama(467) Horror(86) Mystery(82) Parody(39)
Romance(186) Romantic Comedy(46) Suspense(36) Tragedy(24)
Cyberpunk(36) Fantasy(677) Historical(113) Modern(438)
Sci-Fi(690) Steampunk(15) Western(9)
All Ages(23) Children(14) Kid at heart(3) Seinen(107)
Shoujo(19) Shounen(116)
Acquired Taste(39) Artistic(1) Classic(27) Creepy(19)
Dark(108) Fragmentary(2) Kawaii(5) Korean Wave(11)
Moe(3) Silly-funny(20) Surreal(27) Weird(51)
Characters and Their Abilities
Angels(8) Animals(15) Artificial Girls(35) Bishoujo(3)
Bishounen(14) Deities(15) Gender-Bender(12) Genie(2)
Kemonomimi(10) Mahou Shoujo(36) Ninja(44) Samurai(60)
Shinigami(6) Superhero(25) Vampires(34) Zombies(9)
Story Elements and Location
Boys Love(5) College(3) Coming of Age(28) Competition(44)
Depression(16) Elementary School(10) Epic(31) Family Affairs(6)
Fighting(214) Friendship(37) Harem(62) High School(114)
Isekai (Other World)(109) Magic(254) Martial Arts(70) Mecha(283)
Middle School(18) Music(13) Music Oriented(2) Occult(29)
Otaku Theme(10) Police(42) Psychics(34) School Comedy(6)
Shoujo Ai(3) Shounen Ai(2) Slice of Life(18) Soul Mates(7)
Spiritual(17) Sports(41) Supernatural(203) Swordplay(156)
Tenchi Clone(1) Time Travel(21) Underworld(11) War(66)
Anime-Manga Bundle(3) Anthology(6) Assassin(s)(36) CG animation(6)
Computers(9) Cooking(4) Dating Sim Spinoff(4) Evang*lion Clone(6)
Gun-action(98) Idol theme(2) Live Action(11) Maid Theme(1)
noitaminA(8) Prequel(20) Reboot(26) Sequel(204)
Series in a Series(1) Spinoff(38) Spinoff-Sequel(13) Video-game inspired(70)
Virtual Reality(22)
Potentially Objectionable
Bondage(3) Ecchi(111) Erotic Comedy(6) Fan Service(226)
Hentai(13) Incest(2) Lolicon(13) Pantsu(46)
Pervert(17) Softcore(4) Violent(198) Vulgar(9)
Movie(216) Omake(1) ONA(27) OVA(270)
Short(19) TV(1062) TV Special(43)
Release Year
2025(13) 2024(45) 2023(71) 2022(46) 2021(61) 2020(44) 2019(46) 2018(55)
2017(59) 2016(55) 2015(53) 2014(66) 2013(56) 2012(45) 2011(44) 2010(69)
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