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SubjectPoster Replies Last post
Refreshing and Viewed totals Stretch 2 Hmm, I'd thought the logic was "If y…
     Rebecca - 07/15/2013 08:49 AM
Some Notables Not Listing Associated Shows Rebecca 4 Adding Original Concept - HARA Tetsuo to…
     Devil Doll - 07/05/2013 08:03 PM
Editing categories: Minor HTML bug Devil Doll 0

<tr><th colspan="8" class="…

     Devil Doll - 09/18/2012 02:27 PM
Wikipedia links have a large upper and lower padding Devil Doll 12 Updated Firefox to 14.0.1. right now. An…
     Devil Doll - 07/17/2012 03:33 PM
Category Editor groups are out of date Rebecca 0 The category groupings in the category e…
     Rebecca - 07/06/2012 04:52 PM
Duplicate reviews Rebecca 3 I am reusing duplicate entries for new a…
     Devil Doll - 07/06/2012 03:33 PM
FIXED: Uploading an image doesn't return to anime page Devil Doll 5 Yup. (It's already given me that ab…
     Rebecca - 07/09/2012 07:16 AM
FIXED: Checkboxes are disappearing in chrome while editing series Rebecca 5 Confirmed. Checkboxes don't vanish a…
     Devil Doll - 07/06/2012 07:09 PM
FIXED: SQL error when reading the "diff" of the Avatar Wiki page Devil Doll 0 http://anime.mikomi.org/wiki_diff.html?t…
     Devil Doll - 09/27/2011 03:33 PM
FIXED: Error when getting to link for 1968 keyword. Ggultra2764 4 I haven't seen the source code, I ca…
     Devil Doll - 08/31/2011 01:40 PM
FIXED: Pronouns in What's New are wrong Rebecca 0 Everyone get's the gender neutral pr…
     Rebecca - 08/13/2011 01:21 AM
FIXED: Uploading images for an anime that already has an image results in the old image be Devil Doll 2 This can be closed (perhaps with copying…
     Devil Doll - 08/13/2011 06:19 AM
FIXED: HTML table layout in "edit keywords for anime" dialog Devil Doll 0

<tr><th colspan=8 class=lab…

     Devil Doll - 08/03/2011 07:39 PM
FIXED: Test topic Rebecca 10 This is looking good. I haven't expe…
     Devil Doll - 08/13/2011 06:11 AM
FIXED: Ongoing 503 Errors Ggultra2764 0 This should be pretty self-explanatory. …
     Ggultra2764 - 07/24/2011 03:28 PM
FIXED: Can't post in Shout Box. Ggultra2764 5 I get a success rate of about 50% for ea…
     Devil Doll - 07/31/2011 10:40 PM
FIXED: SQL error when creating a "Todo" entry Devil Doll 1 The thread in question has a number of "…
     Devil Doll - 07/05/2011 07:49 PM
FIXED: Anime list pager: Bottom-page dropdown list doesn't set the page number Devil Doll 0 In a keyword-based anime list such as ht…
     Devil Doll - 05/15/2011 11:50 AM
FIXED: Error with editing profile. Ggultra2764 3 This was caused by mod_security being ov…
     Rebecca - 05/19/2011 03:01 PM
FIXED: Keyword selection in Firefox 4 bugged Rebecca 3 Yes, the same code. Freaky. I wonder if…
     Rebecca - 05/04/2011 09:12 PM
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