Fighting Titles

Fighting: (Story/Location) Series whose primary focus is fighting would fit into this segment. (More precise) Subgenres include "Gun-Action", "Martial Arts" and "Swordplay".

Title Rating Synopsis
.hack//Another Story Rent See .hack//Unison (Special)
.hack//Integration Rent See .hack//Unison (Special)

.hack//Unison (Special)
Rent Ep. 28 of .hack//Sign provides the upbeat conclusion to both the .hack//Sign series as well as the four PS2 video games that follow it.
A Tale of Worst One Unevaluated See Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry

Absolute Duo
Unevaluated Koryo Academy is a martial artistry high school with an odd enrolment test for applicants.
Afro Samurai Resurrection Watch See Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Watch Late one night, Afro is suddenly attacked by Jinno. However, he is unable to protect himself, and Jinno drags him nearby to his father's grave, where a woman named Sio awaits. She proceeds to take the Number One headband that he possesses, as well as the remains of his dead father's skull. Before leaving, she tells him to seek and obtain the Number Two headband, if he wants the right to take back his father's remains. With that, Afro must once again embark on a path of violence in order to let his father rest in peace once again. (Source: ANN)
Age of Chaos Buy See Shura No Toki

Rent Microtechnology has created self-powered roller blades that allow a rider to rip along at blistering speeds, roar up walls and fly to incredible heights. And now AIR TECK (A-T) has become the new rage with all of the gangs. Ikki got the dickens kicked out of him by a roller-blade gang and the four sisters that he is staying with are not going to allow him to forget it. Of the four sisters, it falls upon fourteen-year-old Ringo to be responsible for looking after their trouble-some ‘adopted’ little brother whom they have nicknamed ‘baby-face’. When Ikki finds out that the girls are part of an A-T gang called the ‘sleeping forest’, he borrows one of their skates and rides off into the night vowing to learn to ride . A chance encounter introduces him to a cute roller-blade girl. Ikki follows her to a Stormrider (AT gang) gathering and learns that she is called Simca. Simca really seems to take a fancy for him (or perhaps she really enjoys teasing him), but when his sisters (most specifically Ringo) find out, they are not happy with Ikki’s new friend.
AirGear Rent See AIR GEAR

Watch The red-haired, muddle headed, ex-pro-gymnast Aikawa Maki has found a new sport to keep herself entertained in her first year of high school. She has gotten involved in the back-alley street-fighting scene, and they are now calling her the undefeated airmaster'. At a new high school, she finds friends brave enough to support her as she meets new combatants and struggles to refind that spark of inspiration that drove her earlier success as a gymnast. Maki's combative adventure moves from the martial arts into the mystical arts, as she struggles to find even stronger opponents challenge her natural skills.
Akazukin (tv) Watch See Otogi-Jushi Akazukin (TV)

Akiba Maid Sensou
Buy Nagomi Wahei has always wanted to work at a maid cafe, and in 1999 she finally gets her chance at the 'Oinky Doink' cafe in Akihabara. She meets another new hire, the cold and unemotional 35-year-old Ranko Mannen. What she definitely was not expecting was that there is a violent feud underway between different maid cafes, and Ranko (her new roomate) is a born killer.
Akiba Maid War Buy See Akiba Maid Sensou
Akiba Meido Sensou Buy See Akiba Maid Sensou
Action(214) Action Comedy(35) Adventure(95) Comedy(75)
Comedy Fantasy(4) Drama(80) Horror(15) Mystery(12)
Parody(16) Romance(43) Romantic Comedy(11) Suspense(7)
Cyberpunk(1) Fantasy(130) Historical(15) Modern(77)
Sci-Fi(87) Western(2)
All Ages(4) Children(5) Kid at heart(2) Seinen(26)
Shoujo(2) Shounen(24)
Acquired Taste(5) Classic(5) Creepy(7) Dark(23)
Fragmentary(1) Kawaii(4) Korean Wave(4) Moe(1)
Silly-funny(11) Surreal(6) Weird(12)
Characters and Their Abilities
Angels(1) Animals(5) Artificial Girls(8) Bishoujo(2)
Bishounen(6) Deities(5) Gender-Bender(5) Genie(2)
Kemonomimi(3) Mahou Shoujo(7) Ninja(12) Samurai(15)
Shinigami(2) Superhero(5) Vampires(6) Zombies(2)
Story Elements and Location
Boys Love(2) College(1) Coming of Age(13) Competition(20)
Depression(7) Elementary School(4) Epic(17) Friendship(15)
Harem(15) High School(44) Isekai (Other World)(5) Magic(44)
Martial Arts(42) Mecha(25) Middle School(7) Music(1)
Occult(5) Psychics(3) Shoujo Ai(1) Slice of Life(6)
Soul Mates(3) Spiritual(5) Sports(8) Supernatural(42)
Swordplay(48) Time Travel(1) Underworld(3) War(11)
Assassin(s)(4) Computers(2) Dating Sim Spinoff(1) Evang*lion Clone(1)
Gun-action(22) Live Action(4) noitaminA(1) Prequel(1)
Reboot(3) Sequel(20) Spinoff(5) Video-game inspired(22)
Virtual Reality(2)
Potentially Objectionable
Bondage(1) Ecchi(35) Fan Service(62) Incest(1)
Lolicon(2) Pantsu(19) Pervert(4) Violent(43)
Movie(25) Omake(1) ONA(1) OVA(36)
Short(3) TV(191) TV Special(3)
Release Year
2025(1) 2024(1) 2023(1) 2022(4) 2021(2) 2020(1) 2018(5) 2017(5)
2016(1) 2015(11) 2014(10) 2013(8) 2012(5) 2011(7) 2010(18) 2009(23)
2008(13) 2007(21) 2006(28) 2005(33) 2004(20) 2003(17) 2002(13) 2001(13)
2000(4) 1999(4) 1998(2) 1997(4) 1996(5) 1995(9) 1994(11) 1993(8)
1992(6) 1991(4) 1990(2) 1989(4) 1988(6) 1987(4) 1986(3) 1976(1)
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