Title: | Dragon Ball Z: Zetsubō e no Hankō!! Nokosareta Chō Senshi - Gohan to Trunks
Dragon Ball Z: Resist Despair!! The Surviving Fighters - Gohan and Trunks
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks
Overall: | Watch |
Keywords: |
1993, Action, Drama, Martial Arts, Prequel, Sci-Fi, Shounen, TV Special
Notables: |
Animation - Toei
R1 License - FUNimation
It has been thirteen years since the Androids began their killing rampage and Son Gohan is the only person fighting back. He takes Bulma's son Trunks as a student and even gives his own life to save Trunks's. Now Trunks must figure out a way to change this apocalyptic future.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
49-minute TV special that premiered on February 24, 1993.
Animated by Toei.
Licensed by Funimation.
[edit] The ↗Dragon Ball Franchise:
Main Continuity
Dragon Ball Movies
Dragon Ball Z Movies, OVAs, and TV Specials
Dragon Ball Z Festival Shorts
Dragon Ball GT
Live-Action Movie