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Episode Details | |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 | |
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design | Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer | |
Rent | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 8 |
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[series:449#2279] |
Art, Animation & Character Designs The art was well done. Colors were rich and the animation was pretty smooth. The character designs were pretty as well. They had unique personalities and Rizel was pretty cute even though she annoyed me at first. Music Okay, I'm sorry, but the OP was just disgustingly too cute. I mean, I love a child's vocals as much as the next person, but this was just...... puke-limit. So, all in all, I didn't like it. And the ED? My God! It sounded like an old 70's piece! Yuck! Even though the story wasn't too bad, the choice of music seemed waaaaay off. Series and Episode Story Okay, so the plot has been done a thousand and one times over, but still, I found this pretty enjoyable. Don't be fooled by the cuteness of the series and the characters. Underneath all that fluff is nothing but pure violence. I mean, throwing kids around like sacks, being verbally abusive and displaying violence towards spouses. Of course... I'm just being silly but you get an idea of this series. The plot itself was done well, not the best but acceptable, as well as the ending. But let me get to the remarks made by "Stretch", the reviewer below. In what he/she said about standards in judgement, I would have to agree 100%. As mentioned above, the reason why I picked this one up was because of the negative and aweful reviews I read in other places. However, those places all had one thing in common. They "seemed" westernized. Western way of thought.... and in this case, what is acceptable as entertainment is tightly restricted by their moral beliefs and hypocritical actions. This is NOT to say all westernized people are like that but simply it's the general and mainstream ideology. With all that said, such negative reviews as I had read reflects that greatly. Now me, I'm Korean and with a mindset probably more on the line of those persons who had made this series... japanese folks. Even though I belive violence such as portrayed in this series is unacceptable, it DOES NOT degrade the quality or the "fun" of this anime. IT'S JUST A CARTOON FOR GOD SAKE! In a nutshell, reviews should be made without a persons ideologies of what is "morally" right or socially acceptable. Overall, I found this anime to be entertaining and fun. It has a pretty good plot that does well in the end and there's plenty of humor. Last updated Wednesday, April 22 2009. Created Wednesday, April 22 2009. |
After reading such negative reviews of this series from many other sites, I decided to pick it up to see "how horrible" it really was. Some people are just plain ignorant.||||||||
Rent |
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[series:449#1573] | ||||||
Comedy : High Action : Low SciFi : High Ecchi : High After reviewing ![]() ![]() Owell if you aren't into sexual jokes, do NOT watch this. This is just under ![]() Too bad it was never licensed. Heck they Licensed ![]() Last updated Tuesday, June 21 2005. Created Tuesday, June 21 2005. |
Drama : Low / Med||||||||
Rent |
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[series:449#628] | ||||||
"I'd call it a piece of excrement... but I'd be insulting the excrement" --Carlos Ross, THEM Anime reviews "Awful. If you laugh at this you're going to Hell" --Jaime, Rossman Ratings and Reviews What's a person to do after reading such virulent negative criticism of an anime series? ...personally, I downloaded and watched all 24 episodes! Because, you see, I am one of the second kind of critic, the kind which considers almost any sort of anime to be worth at least a watch. Some shows are better than others, certainly, but critics of this sort are far more merciful with their comments--possibly because they find the exotic, foreign nature of anime to be fascinating in and of itself. As such a critic, I'm not ashamed to say that I rather enjoyed Rizelmine. Yes, if you took this show at all seriously it would be extremely distasteful, what with all the slapstick wife-beating in the early episodes. The thing is, you don't have to take it seriously, and that won't make you guilty of endorsing spousal abuse. The series gets off to a slow start with episodes which had their moments, but then tended to end in a disappointing, even childish manner. I became interested in Rizelmine because I read it was a lot like Final Approach, which I found to be surprisingly enjoyable. I immediately noticed that character designs and use of colors in this series are distinctly superior to their equivalents in FA. The OP sequence is fun, too--the lyrics may seem perverted ("Let's do it!"), but I think the music and animation is really clever and cute. Early on, nice animation, artwork and music make the modest comedy largely forgiveable. I notice that this series is the result of cooperation between Studio Madhouse, which I've heard has a reputation for excellent animation, and MOE ("Master of Entertainment"), which is notorious for what are often judged to be cheap, offensive plots. However, like I said, I'm easy to satisfy when it comes to anime--Rizelmine seems to have lasted for two seasons with 24 episodes altogether, so it must have been good enough for viewers in Japan as well (and I don't pretend to be a better judge of anime than the Japanese themselves!). No doubt the popularity of this show can be attributed to a significant improvement in quality with time--Iwaki becomes more merciful and tolerant with regards to Rizel, and the slapstick violence is largely replaced by extra fanservice--not unlike the way Girls Bravo progresses (but the violence in this show was never nearly as distasteful as in that one). Plus, it gets genuinely funny! I think episode 18, which was godawful hilarious (provided you have no shame) was the funniest of all. A completely ridiculous plot, but towards the end so many bizarre jokes happen so fast that you don't have time to question whether you should be laughing or not--it's not often that any comedy hits it's stride like that. Considering the scathing reviews I'd read beforehand about Rizelmine, another pleasant surprise was the relatively clever and sophisticated manner in which the plot developed. Instead of a "romantic triangle" or something like that, we have a romantic game of follow-the-leader: Aoi-chan likes Hououin, who only likes Rizel, who only likes Iwaki, who (at the beginning) only likes Natsumi. I noticed numerous plot strands which extended between episodes, rather than this being nothing more than 15-minute installments of naughty comedy. As was the case with Final Approach, it turns out that pairing a supposedly ideal husband and wife was more than just an absurd government program after all. The moment when the comatose Iwaki remembered Rizel, and made his "dash", was brilliant. I seldom see a scene where every element comes together so perfectly--especially not in a show which is widely regarded as cheap and tawdry! And then there's the scene where Aoi-chan asks Hououin what's so special about Rizel, which was more sophisticated than you'd expect based on most of the Rizelmine reviews that are out there. It's easy to mess up screwball comedies when they try to get emotional, but if it works, the results are extraordinarily pleasing. As for the conclusion, I'd say it wasn't too bad (I did tell you I was a sucker for this genre, didn't I?). It was crucial that Rizel develop into something more than the masochistic, sex-starved child that she seemed to have been originally trained to be, and I was reasonably satisfied that she did. Still, I wish a number of questions had been resolved better. I wish the kindhearted Aoi-chan hadn't wound up with the "boyfriend" that she did. More importantly, why were girls from other countries so eager to replace Rizel as Tomonori's "wife"? A semi-plausible explanation was provided ("the key to protomankind evolution") but we never learn just what a "protomankind" is. Rizel, after all, had a reason from her past that made her want to be with Tomonori, but surely none of her foreign competitors could say the same. In short, what exactly was Rizel after all? How was it possible to "reset" her? Tomonori's change of attitude towards her kind of came out of the blue, without as much development as it could have used. Likewise, Hououin realizing who he loved wasn't all that well explained either. Final Approach didn't try to be as complex, but didn't leave any major questions unanswered, either. Just as there is an attitude in this country that animation in general ("cartoons") is only suited for children, there seems to be a prejudice that anime which doesn't try to do much more than make the viewer laugh is inherently inferior--especially if it dares to make fun of topics like minors "doing it". If Rizelmine were ever to air in America (not likely), the term that would be applied to it would be "politically incorrect"--which is why I like it. See you in Hell, fellow Rizelmine fans! My favorite line: "It looks like everyone is enjoying the field trip" --Natsumi-sensei 7/05 Last updated Wednesday, March 12 2008. Created Monday, June 20 2005. |
This is probably an oversimplification, but there seems to be two kinds of anime website critics to me. One kind has very high standards, and tends to pan more shows than they praise--and they can be quite vicious with their criticism. They may have this attitude because they are judging anime by American standards, looking for shows that comply with American, rather than Japanese, values. For example, take a look at these comments regarding Rizelmine:||||||||
Watch | 9 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 6 |
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[series:449#1484] |
the animation is nice... the Art is cute...^^ music--hm..need more music..but it's good already. Episode story is excelent, it makes you want to watch and wait till the next show. Last updated Monday, July 12 2004. Created Monday, July 12 2004. |
It's a funny story....Basicly the girl like the boy, but the boy doesn't, then the time when on, the boy likes the girl and the girl run away, and he's trying to find her, and they both happie.... This is the story line. It's a brief story. the stoy is kind of confusing in some episode. Overall it's pretty good. ||||||||
Watch | 8 | 8 | 7 | 8 | 8 |
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[series:449#967] | |
Excel Saga, which is rated PG17 in the US-DVD release) and * then * there are some very weird series (such as this one). I am trying to find the words to describe this series as coherently as possible and I think that I might be at a loss (which is a first for me) . Here is the basic story line .Rizel is 12 year old girl (with a very mysterious past), who with her three fathers (?) arrange to marry an unsuspecting 14 year old boy named Iwaki. When Iwaki tries to explain that 14 year olds cannot get married, he finds out that a special exception has been in this case, on the grounds of national security (?). Given that Iwaki is just a normal boy (with normal perversions such as having fantasies about his older female school teacher), being married to a twelve-year-old girl is just too much for him. He just flat rejects Rizel, which causes her to breakout in tears. Rizel is very special, so special that she cries tears of nitroglycerin (?), which causes ½ the house to be destroyed. While Iwakis parents dont mind their son being married (they get their house payments, the grocery and the utility bills paid for by the government,) Iwaki is not happy with the situation. Rizel, who is (programmed to be?) blindly in love with him, attempts to cling, kiss and climb all over her new husband. Iwaki just tosses her off with more than just a casual measure of neglect and abuse, which Rizel proceeds to interpret as a part of the new experience of marital bliss. But since she is indestructible as well, she never appears to suffer any harm even when tossed threw a hole in the ceiling, bounced off the walls, or tossed into a closet (?). This is just the story line of the first episode. The other episodes each appear to address a different perversion; such as one in which another student becomes fixated on Rizels underwear, or another episode in which Rizel takes a magic pill which transforms her into an older Rizel (dressed in very provocative clothing of course) in an attempt to appeal to Iwakis older girl fetish. In one scene, Iwakis schoolteacher (under the influence of a love potion) proceeds to passionately rip off his pants to .. (wrong, sew a loose hem,) but she does manage to become completely disheveled in the process. In another scene, Rizel complains about having sore hips from (wrong, flashing her underwear with a bump and a grind). I think that you can get an idea of the level of entertainment and humor of this series. I honestly think that this series is intended to be targeted for teenagers, but with SO MUCH fan service, sexual innuendo and perversion, and cheesy sex jokes that I am loss to understand how it could ever be considered such here in the US. The animation is very good, the plot is very fast, and each story-line is tightly structured in a 14 minutes per episode format, but the content is just too much. The basic humor of this series is to take teenagers, put them in adult situations with adult conversations, let everything be taken out of context, but never actually have them do the dirty deed. What can you expect with of a series with a scene in the opening credits has Rizel dancing in a short skirt maids costume, with the chorus singing Lets just do it! Unless you have a VERY HIGH tolerance for ecchi content and fan service (or you are truly a pervert, which is more likely the case), then you will probably find something to take offense to every few minutes during the each episode. (Of course, I am having to watch this series for the purposes of research and writing a review Ah Hemmm!) Last updated Monday, March 08 2004. Created Thursday, January 15 2004. |
There are weird Japanese anime series (such as ||||||||
Watch | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 5 |
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[series:449#471] |
The patterns repeat though, however, and episodes bascialy do not have connections with one each other. Some "jokes" require "adult imaginations" to be "funny (although no porn--close to the edge however)," so I must say it's not for children even Rizelmine looks like one. Last updated Saturday, June 14 2003. Created Saturday, June 14 2003. |
It's definitely a Japanese comedy. For some watchers this could be extremely boring, but for some it could be very funny.||||||||