Rizelmine - 10: Love Letter Panic! A Romantic Predicament!?

Episode:10: Love Letter Panic! A Romantic Predicament!?
Iwaki finds Rizel in a swimsuit, proposing that they go to the beach for summer vacation. He promptly sends her on an express trip to Kyouko's room. At school Rizel asks Aoi-chan of her plans for the summer, and whether she has a "husband" as well. She admits that she likes Hououin, on the condition that Rizel keep it a secret. Rizel offers to return the favors Aoi-chan has done for her by composing a love letter for her to give to him, and, when she is reluctant to deliver it in person, Rizel takes it herself. Too bad she forgot to get Aoi-chan to sign it...
This one seemed to verge on being poignant, but didn't quite make it. If I were taking this show at all seriously, I'd be wondering why Iwaki hadn't asked the Papas what made him seem to be the ideal husband.

Probably because he's the only one who can survive her nuclear bomb tears! :)

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