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Episode Details | |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 | |
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design | Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer | |
Buy | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 8 |
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[series:471#2279] |
Art, Animation & Character Designs The artwork was really good. The colors were really vibrant and details were rich. Character designs were equally as good, if not stereotypical designs. Music The OP was really good as well. It was a slow piece with female vocals. It sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I'm sure I've heard that tune somewhere. Eitherway, it was a nice piece. The rest of the soundtrack had pianos and some wind instruments. They were mostly soft pieces. Series and Episode Story This was a total surprise. If one was to judge an anime based on the title, you'd get thrown off track... waaaay off track. I think the best part of this series are the characters. They were so colorful and intriguing to the development of the plot that you can't help but fall in love with them. The actual character development wasn't in-depth, however, it wasn't that important to the development of the story which heavely revolves around the protagonist. The "prince Yuki fan club" was just a riot! Those three girls had me chuckling at their facial expressions and actions..... hehehe! Overall, a great show. It's sad at times, uplifting at other times, and fun to watch all the way through. Last updated Friday, May 15 2009. Created Friday, May 15 2009. |
Having watched this a while back, I rewatched it and still thoroughly found it to be a great series. It ranks up there as one of my favorites.||||||||
Rent | 7 | 7 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 4 |
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[series:471#3097] |
Character design: READ THE MANGA. In the anime, their is not enough time to fully explore the characters. Only a fraction of the plot is put into the anime, leaving the characters misunderstood by fans. Still, the variety of characters is impressive. Music: Nothing I can remember stands out, except for the opening song which is AMAZING. Series story: Like I said, you need to read the manga. It's alright, very angsty and dramatic, with a bit of romance and comedy (and yes, action) Episode story: Around half were fillers. I was very miffed when we were given a full episode of fangirls stalking poor Yuki around instead of exploring the plot. Bottom line: Read the manga! The anime didn't touch me like the manga did. I'm not a big fan of shoujo, but I spent HOURS aganizing over the manga... there are more twists in the manga than there are in a pretzel! Not to mention, explanations of the curse, vital character development, and absolutely shocking relevations. The anime is nothing special, only watch it if you're a fan or you don't know how to read. Last updated Friday, March 06 2009. Created Friday, March 06 2009. |
Art: Standard. It's very cute, but nothing amazing. I liked her later style in the manga better. ||||||||
Buy | 8 | 8 | 7 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:471#3076] |
Please keep in mind that the anime asks much from the viewer. Expect long conversations, psychological aspects, and even some overly zealous characters. Many of them are not fully explored simply because the main characters interactions are far more important. The ending might seem like it's left confusing, but only to those who don't scrutinize how much one girl can really change an entire family. You won't regret seeing it. :) Last updated Friday, January 16 2009. Created Friday, January 16 2009. |
I read a few of the cons from different reviewers and I strongly disagree. Fruits Basket is one of the most beloved anime's you will ever find. The story model is mostly for girls, told from a girls perspective, but it contains enough comedy and even action to be admired by all. The story resolves around Tohrue Honda, whose course of life lands her in the Sohma house. A family with a dark secret. ||||||||
Buy | 8 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 9 |
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[series:471#3026] |
I LOVE THIS ANIME! Oh My GOODNESS!!! I haven't even seen reviews of this anime, but I just heard it from a friend, but didn't say anything she just said she watched it. So I just went to a store and bought it. To my suprise! Such a great story! I HAVE WATCHED THIS 2-3 TIMES complete. AND I WANT TO WATCH IT AGAIN! but someone borrwed from me and didn't return it. I guess he loved it too! well I'm buying this again anyway!!! I love it so much. No Regrets buying this. get a tissue okay? Last updated Monday, October 13 2008. Created Monday, October 13 2008. |
A must buy!!!||||||||
Buy | 9 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 9 |
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[series:471#1552] |
The Cons: There are a couple minor problems to be found in Furuba. First, the series does not explore the past of Tohru’s close friend, the brooding Saki Hanajima. It is left unclear how she came to meet and accept Tohru, as well as her personal struggles before meeting her. In addition, the ending will not feel complete to some viewers as not all members of the Sohma family are introduced and there is a lack of focus on what was believed to have caused the curse. Facts on the Series: -Based on the manga series by Natsuki Takaya, which is licensed in America by Tokyopop. It is the top-selling shoujo manga series in the country and has made the Top 100 list on several occasions for Top-Selling Graphic Novel series in USA Today. Last updated Saturday, January 05 2008. Created Saturday, January 05 2008. |
The Pros: Fruits Basket is a shoujo anime series which is well-known for the diverse range of character personalities that are explored and how each personality interacts with other characters in the series. Each episode introduces a new character in one form or another as these personalities will leave viewers wondering who could come along next, especially those from the cursed Sohma family. Furuba manages to explore not just the personalities of the characters, but the histories of each character as well. Each character introduced in the series faced some sort of hardship in their lives that will allow viewers to have some sort of personal connection with these characters. For a 26 episode series, Fruits Basket manages to devote enough time to explore each new character introduced in the series, which go along with the show’s themes of family and acceptance. In terms of animation, Furuba has bright, vivid animation and scenery that flows well with the natural scenes that take place with Tohru, the Sohmas, and her friends. The soundtrack manages to be just as solid featuring high-paced music during comedic scenes and soft, sorrowful music during the show’s dramatic and serious scenes.||||||||
Unevaluated |
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[series:471#628] | ||||||
Last updated Monday, February 12 2007. Created Monday, February 12 2007. |
There must be something wrong with me, because I quickly lost interest in Fruits Basket. The notion of a homeless but perky girl camping in a forest was amusing, but as a whole the series didn't seem funny enough to be a comedy, and these zodiac-possessed guys just seemed more weird than endearing. As a result, I couldn't take the possibility of romance seriously. Nothing particularly entrancing happened by the end of the first volume, and I'd come to consider the show to be so boring that I really didn't want to watch any more, and consequently I was taking far too long to return by rented DVD. I'm usually pretty easy to please when it comes to romantic comedy anime, which makes my distinct lack of interest in Fruits Basket all the more strange.
Buy | 10 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 9 |
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[series:471#1615] |
This really isn't about love, at least not the kind that I avoid. This is about...family, and the people you care about. There is no love triangle, at least not yet, perhaps in a sequel maybe, or maybe in the manga as i haven't read it. But she cares for all the sohma family (and her two wonderfully interesting friends) equally, at least for now. Any romantic notions are very background. (though I <3 yuki/tohru!) It's a beautiful show, and i mean it in every sense. The humor is great, mostly just silly hijinks, but it really is funny although it does get a little annoying in the rare times when it drags on. The drama is absolutely yum. It's sometimes unbelievable how Tohru can spout off such meaningful things and yet belittle herself so much. I don't know, that aggravates me sometimes, but I guess it adds to her sweetly innocent nature. She never realizes what she's done for them. You get to see the backstory of most of the characters although by the end of the series there are still a few things missing. It was very nicely conclusive of course. However, it wasn't a true end in the sense. Since we never found out just what exactly Akito did to Yuki. We never really see the origins of the curse although we do see how it affects the Sohmas. We don't see all of the zodiac members, and Akito remains mostly a mystery. But damn if the ending wasn't angsty. Last updated Thursday, October 05 2006. Created Thursday, October 05 2006. |
I really didn't think i would like this series all that much, but somehow I've fallen in love with it. I normally just DON'T DO such saccharine (and almost completely non-action save a few scenes) series and generally avoid anime like this. However, it got really good reviews, and so I gave it a try. ||||||||
Buy | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:471#1393] | |
Last updated Tuesday, March 03 2009. Created Friday, September 09 2005. |
I have only one thing to say about this anime. Love it, Love it, Love it. This anime is great to watch. Last count seven times. It is about feelings and things we may have gone through in our life except changing into animals when we get near the opposite sex. This is a wonderful story and when you get done watching it you feel better about lots of things. Well I guess this is me. But if it is I haven't changed my mind about Fruit Basket and I have been reading the volumes since it started. I'm up to volume 22 being a romantic from the start. My only thought is I wished they hadn't stopped doing the anime since is more to the story that could have been put into a Anime. Oh well maybe if I wish real hard it could happen. Anyway if you haven't had a chance to watch this one. You like fantasy and romance plus a zodiac sign will love this one.
Buy | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:471#1790] |
First of all, it's very funny, heartwarming and charming. though it contains half-naked people (when the juunishi turn back to human form), it's child friendly, plus none of the private parts are shown. i have to state my opinion that i think that you'll like all of the charachters(though i hate yuki)and also all the episodes. i'll vote for BUY! if you plan to watch it, then i say, it's fine, too, but you should buy to keep all the lessons and memories among your treasured possessions. By watching this, i learned that even if some can't see who you really are in the outside, some people will be crossing your path and love, accept and be with you whoever you are and whatever you will be in the future. I advice you to watch with your whole family to watch with family and friends as it may become a favourite of yours. Last updated Friday, January 14 2005. Created Friday, January 14 2005. |
ooooh! I bought this show and i hope that you would too.||||||||
Buy | 9 | 9 | 10 | 9 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:471#436] |
Wow! My hat is off to the writers of this anime title and to the creator of the manga, Takaya Natsuki. In order for us to believe that the female lead, Tohru (Tooru) Honda can win the hearts of the entire Sohma (Souma) Clan, she first has to win the hearts of the viewer. The character design for Honda-san is so "kawaii" (cute AND adorable) and sweet that it almost hurts. Then, when we are introduced to her and find out that her mother has recently passed away and that she's living in a tent while still attending 1st-year high school AND working a part-time job to pay for that high school education WHILE maintaining a cheerful attitude, I immediately fell in love with the character. Thus the creators of the series accomplished what they set out to do. Horie Yui does some outsanding work in this title, so much so that it was at times hard to believe she's also the voice of the ultra-violent Naru from Love Hina. As to the series itself, it is rather unique in that we have the reverse harem -- one girl living with several guys. All of males and females of the Souma family come to love Honda-san in various ways (save one and he respects her). Some of the humor revolves around different people expressing their feelings for Honda, not in an "I love you" sense, but in a general sense. For her part, Honda has come to deeply love the SOuma Clan as if they were her very own family. However, other than young Kisa-chan, she has not told the others this, but they know. I think it is safe to say that one member of the clan holds a little more special place in Honda's heart though. One will notice that Furuba is a very "bishie" (bishounen...or "beautiful young male) series. So many of the guys have the looks that the girls go for (from what I'm told) and many have the long, flowing hair. Because of this, I thought that we might have some shounen-ai or yaoi elements to the series. Other than some very brief suggestive moments (which can easily be dismissed, especially since I've not read the manga), there is none of that around. Take Yuki-kun, the purple-haired guy (with the female seiyuu) with his own "Prince Yuki" fan club as school (that's how popular he is). Despite his very bishie looks and voice that make him seem homosexual, he is in fact very heterosexual and his appearance is a source of discomfort to him, part of his curse. He and the rest of the Souma family are so interesting as was Honda's two best friends Uo-chan, a former "yankee" (ganster) and "Hana-chan, who has "the vibe" (6th sense). The series runs the gambet from funny like a Gainax title (ie: His and Her Circumstances) to dramatic and serious. The mix works very well so that we aren't depressed out of our heads all of the time, nor are we laughing so much we can't take the serious moments serious. Again, hat's off to the writers. The title ends nicely, but it is obvious that it seems to scream for a sequel. I don't know if one will ever come, but the manga currently has 14-volumes and includes two members of the zodiac not seen in the anime. Plus, Akito-san is in desperate need of exploration! Beyond that, there are various romances that need to be worked. I can easily see another 26-episode series being done, but as I said, who knows if this will happen or not. Bottom line: this quickly became one of my top-10 anime titles, combining various humor elements, a unique concept (the reverse harem), and drama splendedly.Last updated Sunday, October 31 2004. Created Tuesday, April 13 2004. |
Buy |
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[series:471#1311] | ||||||
FlCl but its tunned down a bit so i dont feel sorta like im about to get a siezure. but its not as smoothe as i would have thaught, i wil update my view after i see more parts.
Last updated Monday, April 12 2004. Created Monday, April 12 2004. |
this story is very cute, but thats really about it. I like the animation it looks like the same art i loved in ||||||||
Buy | 9 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
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[series:471#967] | |
Fruits Baskets is one of those series in which you can find no fault. It is a story of an optimistic innocent meeting the difficulties of a generations old curse. Toorus undaunting spirit wins over not only those cursed by the zodiac, but also of the viewer. This story is a charmer that will warm the heart on a cold and rainy winter night, and remind us of all that is good in world. If you can enjoy a story of companionship, of adventure, of mystery, and can treasure the warm and fuzzy glow of a wondrous story as to the importance of friendship and the closeness of family, then you will have to buy this story.......(10/1/2003) 4 DVDs - 6 or 7 episodes per DVD - total 26 episodes (dubbed by FUNination) Last updated Saturday, October 04 2003. Created Thursday, October 02 2003. |
Everyone else says so much about this series, that I can only share my small paragraph. ||||||||
Buy | 9 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 10 |
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[series:471#913] |
Fruits Basket is an amazing story to say the least. although this type of anime is not usually my style, its great. after watching it , i want to check out more romantic comedies in the future. Fruits Basket is the story of Tohru Honda, a high school girl (aged 16) who lost her mom in a car accident and has been living under a tent in the woods since so she would not be a burden to her grandfather. little did she know that she was camping on the Sohma family residence and is soon discovered, but to her surprise the house belongs to one of her classmates, the uber popular Yuki Sohmaand his cousin Shigure. She is invited to stay with them as long as she cooks and cleans for room and board. but the Sohmas have more to them then people realize. the Sohmas are cursed. thirteen members from their family are forever cursed to be one of the twelve animals of the zodiac (there are twelve animals but in japanese folk-lore the thirteenth was the cat but he was tricked out of being one of the zodiacs by the sly mouse.) The extent of the curse is that whenever they are hugged by the opposite sex or under extreme pressure they change into their animal forms. tohru learns to deal with this and this series is the tales of her life with the Sohmas. it is very funny while also being serious at times. but usually the seriousness takes a backseat to downright cuteness! This series can definatly be described as "cute" while still being funny and entertaining. besides the normal tales of their lives part to the story, their is also a love triangle that starts to develope between Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo Sohma. Kyo happens to be the cat, who hates the rat, who happens to be Yuki. Its funny to watch the two argue and fight. this series is downright amazing. to any anime fan out there this series is for you. If you can just accept it for what it is, and appease you lust for violence, then this series is perfect for you. Fruits Basket is quite a treasure that should and will be enjoyed by people for a long time
Last updated Thursday, September 04 2003. Created Tuesday, August 26 2003. |
Watch | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 100 |
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[series:471#934] |
Fruits basket is really really really good! how have to buy and watch it! its worthwhile seeing! Fruits basket s addictive when you watched the whole first season...I hope they have a second season! It can make you laugh, cry and you could learn something from Tohru and others too!
Last updated Sunday, August 24 2003. Created Sunday, August 24 2003. |
Buy | 7 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:471#786] |
Fruits Basket is a lovely, heart-warming comedy, perfect for those craving something light-hearted and romantic. The characters of FB are all very unique [no pun intended], and not to mention loveable. Sadly though, we all know that no one like Tohru could ever exist among our cruel world...
Last updated Friday, July 04 2003. Created Friday, July 04 2003. |
Buy | 8 | 9 | 11 | 8 | 9 |
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[series:471#669] | |
Last updated Wednesday, June 25 2003. Created Wednesday, June 25 2003. |
yes, as you can see i've given character design 11 out of 10. the extra 1 mark is a bonus. because i think the author or authors have done a really good job at this. it is a wonderful anime, fruits basket, a terrific title too, if you really think about it in depth. it depends on how you look at it. number one, it could hint at society,which was metaphored as fruits in a basket, however there are sometimes people who can't fit into the basket because they are different,hence the junyishi fellas. or number two, it could mean that the juniyshi fellas are the fruits in the basket, and other ppl can't fit in, because they do not belong to that circle,or posse.and there comes along a girl honda tohru who tried to fit in. it has a great ending...although not exactly what you call a 'proper' ending, for it leaves space for imagination. and this is what i especially like. if you're the type who'd rather creators of anime feed you with all the storytelling, and dislike an ending with a gap which doesn't explain the entire tale,then beware. don't be outraged when you don't get what you expect. i think i'll give this anime another bonus mark,for an overall job well-done!!
Buy | 9 | 8 | 9 | 6 | 9 |
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[series:471#671] | |
Last updated Thursday, May 01 2003. Created Thursday, May 01 2003. |
I guess this is one of my highly ranked anime that i have watched considering the characters, animation and story. all are well blended in this story. the main character honda tohru is well exhibited as a person that really uplifts other people (though she's a very naive person...). the whole story is very inspiring and very delicately arranged. the whole story is very unique and it really transform the sense of becoming a human being. in the end, though the creators ended in that part wherein the head of the souma family, akito, accepted honda in the family and seems lack the whole end. it only says that it's now the viewers chance to end in their own ways...a very good anime in the sense of friendship, love, loyalty and family... :-)
Buy | 9 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 9 |
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[series:471#547] | |
Fruits Basket is a *very* cute series, one that even younger kids can watch so long as they can handle Kyou's foul mouth. In fact, aside from his language and Akito's abusiveness, there's hardly anything even remotely offensive in this anime. While the art isn't complex, doesn't use many lines, and has simple design, it's still very unique and eyecatching. The characters are very cute and the art never seems to fluctuate. The close-ups are nice, and I've only seen a few cheat-shots (like when they cover one eye with the character's hair to avoid drawing it). And the plot? Well, it doesn't come in importantly until later on, but each episode is heartwarming and can bring a smile to your face. Tohru seems like a typical helpless female, but she's refreshing in her determined but not overly annoying ways. She likes to be independent and always keeps a smile on her face so that it fools even Yuki. The interactions with her and other characters are also nice. Not all of them like her right off the bat, but she's easy to make friends with and it's just hard for even the obsessed fangirls -- outside the anime, not in -- to hate her. Aside from all that, Fruits Basket is just the kind of anime you'd want to watch on one of your more depressed days. Cute, sweet, endearing, engaging... It's the perfect anime for shoujo fans -- male *and* female -- that are just tired of all those violent fight scenes. Last updated Monday, February 24 2003. Created Monday, February 24 2003. |
Buy | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 26 |
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[series:471#550] |
Fruits Basket... it has everything with a twist... well, this story... is like a themepark and you are Tohru. Well, this story is not dominated with the story (like InuYasha finding the shards) it is Character driven... a new character shows up and Tohru solves there problems... with a moral behind it all... Well, what are you waiting for go and get Fruits Baskets !!
Last updated Friday, February 21 2003. Created Friday, February 21 2003. |
Discover ||||||||
Buy | 8 | 9 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
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[series:471#472] |
Fruits basket is a pretty good anime series. Although this series seems somewhat funny at the beginning with the incidents that Tooru has encountered, the story develops a much deeper meaning at the end. The underlying theme of exclusion from the society constantly appears in each episode, and it is done beautifully by the animators. The ending, however, could be prolonged, but it is still warm and touching. Fruits Basket is definitely an anime that is worth watching.
Last updated Friday, January 03 2003. Created Friday, January 03 2003. |
Buy | 7 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 9 | 9 |
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[series:471#471] |
hilarious and warm. Starts with Honda Tooru bumps into Souma Kyuo (who turns into a cat), Souma Yuki(into a mouse), and Souma Shigure (into a dog), Tooru meets more and more Souma members who are cursed by the 12 Chinese Junnishi animals and at the end the furious but sad "leader" of the Souma family Akito who bears the entire Juunnishi curse and coudln't live long. Tooru also finds more and more about each Souma member and becomes friends with them. This series is funny and outstandingly warming and touching. The entire story focuses on friendship and kindness. Not many Anime I've watched could make me cry or be near the edge of crying, yet Fruits Basket is one of them. Last updated Thursday, January 02 2003. Created Thursday, January 02 2003. |
although the art, animation, and music are not very fine, the story is very ||||||||
Other Sites
Name | URL |
Fruits Basket | http://funimation.com/fruitsbasket/ |
FUNimation's Fruits Basket page (watch the first 3 episodes free!) | |
Animanga Crossing: Fruits Basket Gallery | http://daisuki.owarinai.net/furuba/ |
Furuba fansite. | |
Official Fruits Basket Site | http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/fruits_basket/ |
The official Japanese site. | |
Why No "Fruits Basket 2?" | http://astronerdboy.blogspot.com/2007/01/why-no-fruits-basket-2.html |
AstroNerdBoy's popular article on why he believes there will never be a sequel to "Fruits Basket." | |