Modern Titles

Modern: (Setting) These are titles which have a modern feel to them; the story takes place in the present day (of the creation of this anime), give or take a few years.

Title Rating Synopsis
アグレッシブ烈子 Unevaluated See Aggressive Retsuko
"Ippon" Again Rent See Mou Ippon!
.hack Rent See .hack//SIGN

Watch Helba sends the casts of .hack//SIGN and the video games on a quest to locate her hidden hot springs as a present for buying the video games.

Watch Mimiru and Bear meet up at a reopened dungeon known to have given rise to legends in the past. But rather than collect treasures and experience points, Mimiru has come to see a past experience that she had with powerful Longarm character, Mimika.

Rent After a freak accident playing the most popular online RPG, known as "The World." Mai finds out that her life has changed after surviving the game, only to fall into a mystery on WHY?

Rent It's the near future, and there is only one video game, called "The World." In the virtual reality of "The World", all sorts of people play. However, once a character named Tsukasa is unable to log out, and weird events start happening, "The World" starts to seem much more mysterious than anyone ever thought.

12-sai ~Chicchana Mune no Tokimeki~
Unevaluated Ayase Hanabi is a twelve year old girl who is caught in the transition period between childhood and adulthood. She begins to notice things at school like teachers kissing and a friend experiencing her first menstrual cramps.
12歳。~ちっちゃなムネのトキメキ~ Unevaluated See 12-sai ~Chicchana Mune no Tokimeki~
13 vies (French) Rent See Ningen Kousaten

16bit Sensation: Another Layer
Unevaluated Konoha Akisato is a minor illustrator who wishes she could draw the cute girls of 30 odd years ago but is assigned to draw only men. She feels that her company, Blue Bell, is the worst and no one there 'dares to dream'. An anonymous online confidant, 'Blue Belly' agrees with her, which is better than nothing. Then one day Akisato finds herself somehow transported to 1992, the heyday of Bishoujo manga, anime and games. There waits 'Mamochi' a 15 year old male illustrator who hates bishoujo.
16bitセンセーション ANOTHER LAYER Unevaluated See 16bit Sensation: Another Layer

Unevaluated One day, Haruto Tsukishiro wakes up in a strange room and finds himself entrapped in a dream world that is dominated by the frightening 'Witch of Thunder'. He meets Lily, a strange girl who claims to be his sister, and Katsumi Kanzaki, who in this place appears as a cat. Together they attempt to figure out what's going on and how to return to their normal lives.
1982 Otaku no Video Rent See Otaku No Video
1985 Otaku no Video Rent See Otaku No Video
Action(438) Action Comedy(137) Adventure(135) Comedy(983)
Comedy Fantasy(11) Drama(540) Horror(82) Mystery(125)
Parody(78) Romance(468) Romantic Comedy(228) Suspense(32)
Cyberpunk(1) Fantasy(378) Historical(14) Sci-Fi(183)
All Ages(53) Children(13) Josei(19) Kid at heart(10)
Seinen(199) Shoujo(73) Shounen(114)
Acquired Taste(61) Artistic(16) Classic(12) Creepy(16)
Dark(60) Fragmentary(14) Kawaii(24) Korean Wave(5)
Moe(28) Silly-funny(63) Surreal(30) Weird(77)
Characters and Their Abilities
Angels(10) Animals(18) Artificial Girls(28) Bishoujo(9)
Bishounen(12) Deities(29) Gender-Bender(19) Genie(3)
Kemonomimi(7) Mahou Shoujo(45) Ninja(16) Samurai(8)
Shinigami(5) Superhero(14) Vampires(29) Zombies(11)
Story Elements and Location
Boys Love(12) College(32) Coming of Age(79) Competition(57)
Depression(29) Elementary School(33) Epic(7) Family Affairs(28)
Fighting(77) Friendship(86) Harem(111) High School(439)
Isekai (Other World)(29) Magic(111) Martial Arts(39) Mecha(31)
Middle School(64) Music(76) Music Oriented(18) Occult(33)
Otaku Theme(67) Police(27) Psychics(34) School Comedy(46)
Shoujo Ai(15) Shounen Ai(8) Slice of Life(279) Soul Mates(10)
Spiritual(21) Sports(122) Supernatural(195) Swordplay(30)
Tenchi Clone(4) Time Travel(24) Underworld(4) War(8)
Yaoi(17) Yuri(33)
Anime-Manga Bundle(15) Anthology(4) Assassin(s)(25) Computers(7)
Cooking(10) Dating Sim Spinoff(47) Evang*lion Clone(2) Gun-action(50)
Gyagu (gag)(1) Idol theme(46) Live Action(18) Maid Theme(10)
noitaminA(24) Prequel(7) Reboot(24) Sequel(171)
Spinoff(33) Spinoff-Sequel(10) Video-game inspired(57) Virtual Reality(17)
Potentially Objectionable
Bondage(10) Ecchi(157) Erotic Comedy(33) Fan Service(319)
Hentai(29) Incest(15) Lolicon(24) Pantsu(66)
Pervert(44) Shotacon(2) Softcore(14) Stalking(9)
Violent(85) Vulgar(24)
Movie(133) Omake(10) ONA(35) OVA(277)
Short(110) TV(1276) TV Special(38)
Release Year
2025(7) 2024(39) 2023(65) 2022(64) 2021(68) 2020(59) 2019(65) 2018(75)
2017(82) 2016(94) 2015(70) 2014(91) 2013(89) 2012(74) 2011(88) 2010(71)
2009(83) 2008(87) 2007(86) 2006(95) 2005(81) 2004(54) 2003(54) 2002(50)
2001(33) 2000(28) 1999(20) 1998(29) 1997(22) 1996(24) 1995(25) 1994(19)
1993(19) 1992(17) 1991(15) 1990(12) 1989(7) 1988(14) 1987(16) 1986(8)
1985(8) 1984(11) 1983(6) 1982(2) 1981(2) 1978(1) 1977(2) 1976(1)
1974(1) 1971(1) 1970(1) 1966(1) 1964(1) 1962(1)
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