Rizelmine - 13: Oooh, Total Makeover with "Adult Goods!?"

Episode:13: Oooh, Total Makeover with "Adult Goods!?"
The gang attends Natsumi-sensei's wedding, leading to a lot of daydreaming on Rizel's part. The mouth-to-mouth resucitation Iwaki gave her at the "Kissing Rocks" has been exaggerated into a passionate kiss. At home, Rizel finds an "adult figure capsule". She finally gets it open and is instantly transformed into "a girl in glasses... with cat ears... and to top it off, a sexy body...!" But by the time she finds Iwaki, she has reverted to her normal form. The Papas explain that capsules of this sort were developed by the Mamas to preserve Rizel's mature form (which appeared briefly at the rocks). The problem is, no two capsules have the same effect, and they only work for three minutes...
A two-parter--or maybe "second season" episodes have more of an ongoing plot to them. There's a new ED sequence, but I'm glad to see the original OP sequence has been retained. Some think the OP sequence ("let's do it!") is perverted, but I think the music and animation is really clever and cute.

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