Rizelmine - 7: Rival! Big-breasted High-school Girl?!

Episode:7: Rival! Big-breasted High-school Girl?!
Yachigusa Kyouko met Iwaki two years ago when he saved her after the brakes on her bike malfunctioned. Now, she's coming back looking for him. After the incident at Hououin's place, Iwaki finds all sorts of strange rumors are circulating about his relationship with Rizel. He insists he has absolutely no interest in her (which Hououin is delighted to hear). Kyouko is wandering around the school, trying to muster the courage to meet her hero again. Aoi-chan recognizes her as the girl who came by exactly one year ago, but missed Iwaki. She warns Rizel that she has a rival for Iwaki's heart--a formidable opponent, since she's "older than he is... graceful and ladylike... and with really big breasts, of course!"...
I don't know why so many people think this show sucks big-time--I think it's getting better. The new character of Kyouko is intriguing, and I don't see Iwaki as a particularly bad person. The secret is don't take it seriously!

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