Title: | Macross Frontier: Itsuwari no Utahime
Macross F: Itsuwari no Utahime
Macross Frontier the MOVIE ~The False Diva~
Macross Frontier: The Songstress of Lies
マクロスF ~イツワリノウタヒメ~ (Japanese)
Overall: | Watch |
Keywords: |
2009, Action, Adventure, Mecha, Movie, Romance, Sci-Fi
Notables: |
Music - KANNO Yoko
Original Concept - KAWAMORI Shouji
A movie adaptation of Macross Frontier. Described as being edits of the original TV series condensed into a movie format.
Animation by Satelight.
New movie to be released in Japan on November 21st, '09.
[edit] The ↗Macross & ↗Robotech franchise:
First season (2009-2012):
Second season (2040-2047):
Prequel (2008):
Third season (2059):
Fourth season (2067)