Title: | Gekijōban Macross 7: Ginga ga Ore wo Yondeiru!
Macross 7 the Movie: The Galaxy is Calling Me!
劇場版 マクロス7 「銀河がオレを呼んでいる!」
Overall: | Watch |
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1995, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Movie, Music, Sci-Fi
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While investigating a sound anomaly across the galaxy, Basara crash-lands on a snowy planet and receives an unfriendly welcome from the local residents. On the planet, he befriends Pedro, a four-year-old boy who watches the Galaxy Network and idolizes Fire Bomber. Basara also discovers that the sound he's searching for is generated by Emilia, a lone Meltrandi struggling to make music of her own.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
30-minute movie that premiered on September 30, 1995.
Animated by Ashi Productions.
[edit] The ↗Macross & ↗Robotech franchise:
First season (2009-2012):
Second season (2040-2047):
Prequel (2008):
Third season (2059):
Fourth season (2067)