Baby Love OVA

Title:Baby Love OVA
Keywords: , , , , , , , , , ,
When they first met, Seara loved her older Shuhei. But how does a twelve-year-old boy talk to an eight-year-old girl, a girl who has just told him that she wants to be his wife? He tells her that if she were older and beautiful, then would consider accepting her confession. And now four years later, when Seara’s parents are having to move far away, she has somehow managed to arrange to stay with Shuhei’s family. Does Shuehi remember her, or his promise to her? Despite her efforts, they are still four years apart in age, but Seara has not given up on him and of winning his love.

Read the translated manga online at MangaFox
Watch the (subtitled) episode at VEOH as a streaming vid.

One episode OVA – 30 minutes in length.
Released in 1997
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 5 5 5 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:1011#1552]
So pretty much, another 90s one-shot OVA used to promote an ongoing manga series? The episode sets up the basic premise of the series and introduces you to the characters making up the romance square for it. But with the limited run time, there's little time to connect with the characters and the premise feels no different from a typical shoujo rom-com. Overall, mostly forgettable fare.

Last updated Tuesday, June 07 2016. Created Tuesday, June 07 2016.
Watch 5 6 6 3 7 7 Xenoknight [series:1011#2967]
A very simple story of the power of a girl's heart that transcends the time and age boundaries...

A quick episode of a love that knows no restriction. I loved watching her try to win her man with nothing but futile results only to succeed where she least expected it. No complaints on my end with this one. It's only one ep so check it out.

Check out First Kiss Monogatari for a better yet similar love experience.

Check out my award list to see some of the best anime titles in the world!

Never forget Xenosaga.

Last updated Saturday, December 06 2008. Created Saturday, December 06 2008.
Rent Jan-Chan [series:1011#967]
High school romance fun! This is an older OVA episode, but it is a very innocent and fun story of how a young lady can carry a torch for her beloved over a period of time. Seara shows both her dedication and resourcefulness as she tries to riggle and sneak her way into Shuhei’s heart. I found myself cheering her efforts, worrying about her setbacks, while constantly hoping for her success as she is in pursuit of her greatest love.

I will be honest… this is really a simple romance story, but I found it to be a very fun, innocent and entertaining 30 minute distraction.

Last updated Friday, April 15 2005. Created Friday, April 15 2005.

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