Gyokō no Nikuko-chan

Title:Gyokō no Nikuko-chan
Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Studio 4°C
R1 License - GKIDS
Easy-going, cheerful, passionate and always ready to eat something delicious, mother Nikuko falls for the bad guys. Her happy motto: "Being ordinary is best of all." Naturally Nikuko's loud and bold spirit embarrasses 11-year-old Kikuko, her daughter. With nothing in common except living together on a boat at the port, a miracle occurs when their secret is revealed.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

97-minute film released on June 11, 2021.
Animated by Studio 4C.
Licensed by GKids.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 9 8 8 6 7 Ggultra2764 [series:4550#1552]
While seemingly focused on its titular character, Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko is mainly focused on Nikuko's daughter, Kikuko, coping with growing up as she is approaching adolescence. These developments with Kikuko make up for the more interesting story developments in the film as she deals with typical issues growing up like peer pressure, her first crush, and having her moments of embarrassment coming from Nikuko's childish behavior. The film does a great job creating believable chemistry and behavior with the kids that Kikuko interacts with, whom behave believably for their age. Focus is also devoted later in the film about Nikuko's past and how this is relevant with her chemistry with her daughter. Unfortunately, Nikuko's character isn't as intriguing to see as the film seems to treat her as a sort of comic relief character milking enough fat jokes from her love of food and her comically exaggerated character design clashing badly with the more grounded character designs offered up, making her feel largely one-note compared to Kikuko. In short, this is a decent, albeit flawed, coming-of-age film involving young Kikuko dealing with the typical trials of growing up into adolescence.

Last updated Sunday, October 09 2022. Created Sunday, October 09 2022.

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