Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidō Shuki Ningyō
Like the OVA episode that came out for it, this film plays out like an extended episode from the TV anime as Violet becomes involved in helping to educate a young woman at a boarding school on how to properly behave as a debutante of wealthy society. Violet comes to learn of a tragic past that the woman, Isabella York, experienced living in poverty and undergoing a separation from a young girl she raised as a surrogate sister figure. The film's story has two halves with its narrative focus with the first half focused on Violet's time tutoring Isabella, and the second half exploring the young girl, Taylor, wanting to be an apprentice mail carrier with the CH Postal Company while trying to locate Isabella's whereabouts. Like many episodes from Violet Evergarden, the film does a great job exploring the backstory of its central characters and exploring their developments throughout Violet's time while involved in their situation and retains the gorgeous animation found in prior installments of the series. In short, if you've enjoyed seeing Violet Evergarden up to this point, this film is still worth seeing. However, it doesn't add anything new to the series in terms of developing Violet's character.
Last updated Saturday, February 13 2021. Created Saturday, February 13 2021.