Sequel Titles

Sequel: (Type subgenre) This is a title which continues a series. It may have a different name but is ↗canon material.

Title Rating Synopsis
.hack//Another Story Rent See .hack//Unison (Special)
.hack//Integration Rent See .hack//Unison (Special)

.hack//Unison (Special)
Rent Ep. 28 of .hack//Sign provides the upbeat conclusion to both the .hack//Sign series as well as the four PS2 video games that follow it.

100-Man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru (S2)
Unevaluated A sequel to 100-Man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru (S1).
100万の命の上に俺は立っている Unevaluated See 100-Man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru (S2)
3-gatsu no Lion 2 Buy See Sangatsu no Lion 2

86 (S2)
Unevaluated Shin Nouzen and his last four comrades of the highly effective Spearhead unit are missing and presumed dead. Their former 'Handler', Vladilena 'Lena' Milize, had been demoted as a result of her unusual respect for the despised lower caste personnel, but has been assigned a new set of replacements and has rebuilt the unit. It turns out that Shin and the others aren't dead after all, but rather have found their way to the Giad Federacy, a previously unknown country that is also at war with the Legion. Provisional President Ernst Zimerman has taken a distinct interest in them, for reasons which are not yet evident.
86-エイティシックス- Unevaluated See 86 (S2)

Aa! Megami-sama - Sorezore no Tsubasa OVA
Buy Keiichi, the goddesses, and the Motor Club go on a retreat to Keiichi's grandfather's old place. There, they encounter a beautiful shinentai who is determined to make Keiichi keep the promise his grandfather had made to her. Then into the future, Peorth is wrapping up her current mission on Earth and decides to get Keiichi to say he loves Belldandy (using the Japanese word "suki"). Urd gets involved and with Peorth, the job begins to get K1 to confess, only with humorous results.

Aa! Megami-sama! (2005) OVA
Rent After the attack by the Lord of Terror in episode 24 of Aa! Megami-sama! TV, the goddesses find themselves without their normal power supply from Yggdrasil since the Yggdrasil system is down. The three have to use alternate (and much weaker) means to resupply themselves with energy -- Urd with sake, Belldandy with sleep, and Skuld with ice cream. As such, Urd reverts to grade-school age where she meets a young boy. She teaches him the joys of taking risks and he falls for her. Belldandy sleeps but sends her chibi-form out and about with Keiichi. Skuld turns into a young woman, where she learns that Keiichi isn't all that bad.
Adieu Galaxy Express 999 Watch See Sayonara Ginga Tetsudo 999: Andromeda Shuchakueki
Adventure! Iczer-3 Watch See Bōken! Iczer-3
Afro Samurai Resurrection Watch See Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Watch Late one night, Afro is suddenly attacked by Jinno. However, he is unable to protect himself, and Jinno drags him nearby to his father's grave, where a woman named Sio awaits. She proceeds to take the Number One headband that he possesses, as well as the remains of his dead father's skull. Before leaving, she tells him to seek and obtain the Number Two headband, if he wants the right to take back his father's remains. With that, Afro must once again embark on a path of violence in order to let his father rest in peace once again. (Source: ANN)

Aggretsuko ONA 2
Buy Second season of Aggretsuko ONA.
Action(204) Action Comedy(41) Adventure(94) Comedy(213)
Comedy Fantasy(4) Drama(154) Horror(15) Mystery(21)
Parody(20) Romance(82) Romantic Comedy(44) Suspense(3)
Cyberpunk(6) Fantasy(131) Historical(18) Modern(171)
Sci-Fi(137) Steampunk(4)
All Ages(10) Children(4) Josei(3) Kid at heart(1)
Seinen(60) Shoujo(9) Shounen(38)
Acquired Taste(9) Artistic(4) Classic(9) Creepy(3)
Dark(16) Fragmentary(1) Kawaii(6) Moe(3)
Silly-funny(14) Surreal(7) Weird(15)
Characters and Their Abilities
Angels(4) Animals(2) Artificial Girls(16) Bishoujo(3)
Bishounen(1) Deities(5) Gender-Bender(5) Genie(1)
Kemonomimi(1) Mahou Shoujo(14) Ninja(2) Samurai(3)
Shinigami(1) Superhero(2) Vampires(8) Zombies(2)
Story Elements and Location
College(10) Coming of Age(11) Competition(7) Depression(7)
Elementary School(1) Epic(4) Family Affairs(11) Fighting(20)
Friendship(13) Harem(32) High School(76) Isekai (Other World)(23)
Magic(46) Martial Arts(14) Mecha(45) Middle School(9)
Music(11) Music Oriented(2) Occult(6) Otaku Theme(11)
Police(9) Psychics(4) School Comedy(5) Slice of Life(41)
Spiritual(5) Sports(11) Supernatural(62) Swordplay(18)
Tenchi Clone(1) Time Travel(4) Underworld(3) War(7)
Anime-Manga Bundle(3) Assassin(s)(7) CG animation(1) Computers(2)
Cooking(2) Dating Sim Spinoff(6) Gun-action(6) Idol theme(9)
Maid Theme(2) noitaminA(2) Prequel(1) Reboot(3)
Spinoff(2) Spinoff-Sequel(1) Video-game inspired(9) Virtual Reality(6)
Potentially Objectionable
Bondage(1) Ecchi(33) Erotic Comedy(3) Fan Service(80)
Hentai(3) Incest(3) Lolicon(2) Pantsu(16)
Pervert(6) Softcore(6) Violent(33) Vulgar(5)
Movie(87) Omake(2) ONA(11) OVA(92)
Short(9) TV(222) TV Special(18)
Release Year
2025(1) 2024(3) 2023(12) 2022(14) 2021(23) 2020(18) 2019(13) 2018(21)
2017(21) 2016(20) 2015(16) 2014(15) 2013(25) 2012(14) 2011(12) 2010(18)
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1993(2) 1992(1) 1991(3) 1990(5) 1989(2) 1988(7) 1987(5) 1986(4)
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