Golden Kamuy 2
Golden Kamuy's second season continues exploring the escalating conflict between several factions in the search for Ainu gold, with the main focus being on Sugimoto and Aspira. In this season, the conflicts find themselves getting in further direct conflict with one another as they try to throw the others off another and things eventually escalate when all parties try to track the whereabouts of Aspira's long-lost father, who may have information on the whereabouts of the Ainu gold. This season gets a great amount of storyline buildup with the escalating factions and even devotes time to focusing on some of the major characters in the conflict and what roles they have to play, notably with Aspira's relationship with her father and the motives of the Ainu woman Inkarmat. The series still has the shortcomings of its prior season with subpar animation, hit-and-miss comical moments, and yet another inconclusive ending. Still in spite of its gripes, this second season of Golden Kamuy is still a great continuation of the series that I would recommend to anyone who enjoyed the show's first season.
Last updated Monday, December 24 2018. Created Monday, December 24 2018.