Isshoni Training Ofuro: Bathtime with Hinako & Hiyoko

Title:Isshoni Training Ofuro: Bathtime with Hinako & Hiyoko
Isshoni Training 026: Bathtime with Hinako & Hiyoko
いっしょにとれーにんぐ026[おふろ] BATHTIME WITH HINAKO&HIYOKO (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Hinako returns to humor her fans on the pleasures of the daily routine. This time she enlists the aid of her partner, Hiyoko, to teach us the ways of the bath with exercises and an "after-bath" stretch... (Ext: MAL)

A microSD card containing the OVA data will be bundled with the DVD so that users can watch the anime on their cell phones.

Produced by: Primastea
1 OVA episode (25 min) plus 1 special episode "Stretch Time with Hinako" (10 min)
OVA to begin airing on Dec 24, 2010

Sequel to Isshoni Training and Isshoni Sleeping

The digits "026" are read "o - fu - ro", thus forming the word "o-furo" for "bath".
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Avoid 8 6 4 6 3 2 Devil Doll [series:2404#752]
[Score: 46% = "Avoid"]

Finally, a Hinako release that didn't make the "Watch" rating, i. e. the worst one so far. This time it's really nothing but bouncing boobs in the first half and mutual breast fondling in the second half of the "bathing" part (25 min inside the bathtub, with a mere three mildly amusing scenes - "10 yen", "looking", and "green light"). And I'm not exactly sure that listening to Hinako counting up to ten for about ten times and then counting up to 100 is more interesting than watching her sleep in the prequel. Adding Hiyoko to the scene may attract lolicon fans but doesn't improve anything otherwise.

The "stretching" part (10 min, Hinako doing exercises with nothing but a towel on) is similar to the first release of the franchise, only that Hinako breaks the Fourth Wall at the end and revives the "2D world vs. 3D world" idea from previous releases (one more scene to smile about, the fourth one in 35 minutes of total playing time).

Last updated Tuesday, May 21 2013. Created Tuesday, January 18 2011.

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