Title: | Aa! Megami-sama OVA 2011
ああっ女神さまっ (2011)
Overall: | Rent |
Keywords: |
2011, Anime-Manga Bundle, Deities, Modern, OVA, Romance, Seinen
Notables: |
Another bundle of two stories (one episode each); for story summaries see the episode sections.
OVA, 2011, 2 episodes, 28 min; release announced for 2011-02-23 (to be bundled with manga volume 42) and 2011-09-22.
Two original stories, i. e. not part of the manga (much like the movie from 2000).
1:31min promo video - YouTube Video
[edit] The ↗Aa! Megami-sama franchise:
Old releases (not based on manga material):
Parody spin-off:
TV series remake (partially rewritten/rearranged manga stories):