Digimon Xros Wars

Title:Digimon Xros Wars
Digimon Cross Wars
Keywords: , , , ,
One day, a Digimon Xros Loader appears before Taiki, an exceptionally warmhearted seventh grader, along with Shoutmon's voice, asking for his help. The D Xros Loader is an essential item that is capable of transferring power to Digimon by means of "DigiXros". He was chosen as a "General" to control it. Taiki and his friends are thrown into a parallel universe, the Digital World. Due to the appearance of rival and enemy Digimon, the Digital World has been driven into a state of "Xros Wars", a large-scale war with battles like those of the Sengoku period. Taiki and Shoutmon form a Digimon Army using the D Xros Loader and battle against formidable opponents with "DigiXros".

[source: ANIDB].

Animation by Toei.
Series first aired in June 2010.

[edit] The ↗Digimon franchise:
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:2357#967]
More of the popular preteen and young teen poke-clone adventure stories. But be warned that this story recycles a lot of the earlier seasons' plots and thematic elements.

Last updated Wednesday, July 14 2010. Created Wednesday, July 14 2010.

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