To Heart ~Remember my Memories~ Specials

Title:To Heart ~Remember my Memories~ Specials
ToHeart ~Remember my Memories~ Special Footage: Heart Fighters
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Original Concept - Aquaplus
Several short omake episodes for To Heart ~Remember My Memories~ where the girls participate in an absurdly exaggerated fighting tournament, providing a parody of the series itself as well as of various superhero anime, plus presenting a surprise guest from To Heart 2.
Many references to the series will be understandable only if you've seen the series, and one scene even spoilers an important development from the series.

[DVD omake, 2005, 7 episodes, 3-4 min each]
[edit] The ↗ToHeart franchise:

To Heart (original TV series): To Heart 2 (same setting, later in time):
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 7 7 4 9 3 5 Devil Doll [series:2070#752]
[Score: 55% = "Watch-"]

A silly-funny parody of both the To Heart ~Remember My Memories~ series in particular and fighting shounen in general. Having neither character development and only a ridiculous pseudo plot, and being completely different from the series yet requiring to know the series in order to understand most of the jokes, this omake will have a very limited target group. And the Animation with stills and super slow motion is a bit boring as well.

For me who watched the series for the romance, coming of age and mild sci-fi drama, these specials were a complete waste of time.

Last updated Saturday, April 28 2012. Created Saturday, April 30 2011.

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