Mai-Otome Specials

Title:Mai-Otome Specials
Mai-HiME the Movie (fake preview)
Keywords: , , , , , ,
A series of short omake specials, beginning with a strange preview for a fictional movie which pits the cast of Mai-Hime against that of Mai-Otome:

1. Mai-HiME the Movie (fake preview)
2. This Week's Armitage
3. Juliet's Conspiracy
4. Shiho Spirals
5. By the Red Sky
6. Graduation Memories: Erstin Ho's Last Smile
7. In Aswald's Village ~Midori and Her Merry Friends~
8. The Legend of the Fire String Ruby ~The Truth of Meister Mai~
9. Mai-Otome VS Mai-HiME
[edit] The ↗Mai Hime franchise:

Mai Hime (original story): Mai Otome (spinoff/sequel, different setting):
Episode Details 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Buy Stretch [series:1306#628]
I wondered why a Mai HiME preview had been included among the Mai Otome specials, and assumed it was just a promo for the TV series. I didn't bother to watch it until I stumbled upon this page. It didn't make complete sense to me, since I'm only halfway through Mai HiME, but it was hilarious the second time around, after I'd read the tips here. For details, see the episode reviews.

Last updated Monday, August 28 2006. Created Friday, June 02 2006.
Watch Forbin [series:1306#1573]
It's cute, just watch it for a good laugh if you liked both series.

Last updated Monday, January 30 2006. Created Monday, January 30 2006.

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