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Episode Details | |
167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186 | |
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design | Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer | |
Buy | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
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[series:106#1835] |
Sailor Moon series as the animation, the story, the sound and the characters are all consistent. You truly get a sense that it is ending throughout this series as there is an apocalyptic feel to the whole series. The animation is the best of the bunch, the characters have grown and so has the humour. The story is very interesting as the producers did not limit themselves to one galaxy. The villains are very funny and very deep when they need to be. The sound is excellent as the new theme shows. This seires has great value in itself but also because it never got licensed in America, making it even more of a treasure to have. The enjoymeny is really there in this series. I could not have asked for a better way to end this classic tale.
Last updated Monday, February 07 2005. Created Monday, February 07 2005. |
This is the strongest ||||||||
Buy | 8 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 8 | 8 |
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[series:106#404] |
Sailor Moon. It has the best villian, a great new opening and ending song, The Three Lights, return of the Outer Senshi, and better as well as more consistent animation. What more could you really want in a Sailor Moon series? The manga is better of course but I think Stars was the season that did the best adaptation of the manga, not S. The Three Lights are great, espeacially Seiya who's one of my all-time favorite characters. The Nehelenia arc of Stars resolved the battle between the senshi and her very nicely and the way events of the Nehelenia arc were incorporated into the ending of the Galaxia arc was well done. See the anime first and then go read the Stars manga because I don't think you'll like it as much as you could if you read the Stars manga first.
Last updated Monday, October 14 2002. Created Monday, October 14 2002. |
This is definitely the best season of ||||||||
Buy | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
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[series:106#68] |
The story also takes off in a very different direction. It begins with a continuation of the story from Super S and the goes on to introduce us to three new Sailor Senshi. This season also covers a lot of range, it has some of the funniest scenes in all of Sailormoon but it also has some of the most heart breaking scenes. I'm not a big fan of the Eternal Sailor Moon fuku, it's a little bulky, but the producers recognize it and her wings actually are a great sight joke in one episode. The fuku for the Sailor Stars are really fun, as are the fuku for the villians. It's nice to know that Sailor Soldiers don't always have to jump around in short skirts and bows. I would have given higher ratings for the story except that it's so short and cuts out so much from the manga. Other than a few minor details this is a great saga in the Sailormoon story and one that I think everyone should at least see. One warning before I go, don't watch the last two tapes strait through, it's a little too intense especially if you're a known crier. Last updated Monday, May 07 2001. Created Saturday, November 18 2000. |
This season ranks among my favorites of all of Sailormoon. The character designs are visibly more mature as is the voice acting. The use of shadow and light (most of the artwork in general) is very different from the other seasons, but you'd have to see it to really understand what I'm talking about. The coloring is a lot more vivid and it looks like the atacks got a little revamp.||||||||
Buy | 7 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 7 | 7 |
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[series:106#51] |
Perhaps one of the most likeable things about Sailorstars is that it begins with a monumental final showdown with a villain previously thought defeated, at the end of the preceding series. All ten senshi are united for an incredible battle in which Sailormoon acquires a completely new transformation...into Eternal Sailormoon. The power of her love purifies and restores things to normal...and then Chibi-Usa returns to the future, and Usagi says goodbye to Mamoru, departing for a year's study abroad in the US. Unfortunately, he never arrives, as Sailorgalaxia claims all the starseeds on his airplane, Mamoru's included. Heart-wrenchingly tragic is the fact that Usagi's repeated letters (sometimes in the form of the preview for the episode) never are to reach their destination and her true love. Indeed, throughout the series she must deal with the strange situations of a heart pulled in two directions, as well as the tragic loss of ones dear to her. Since this was the first Sailormoon series I viewed in Japanese, it has and will always have a special and very dear place in my heart. The ending theme, 'Kaze mo, Sora mo, Kitto' remains to this day my favorite ending theme for any anime series, and the fact that they finally changed the opening theme as well from Moonlight Densetsu reflects a completely changed outlook on Sailormoon's world. The Starlights in Sailorstars are portrayed much more appealingly than Uranus and Neptune were in S, and indeed from past experiences, I personally found myself thinking Usagi a more appropriate mate for Seiya, rather than Mamoru, by the end of the series. There were also many comical moments that were impossible in the manga, wherein many of the senshi were forced together in situations that made all of them tense, at best, and added to the comic effect. Unfortunately, the manga and the anime both become impossibly confusing at the end, but overall the characterization of the manga wins out as superior, even if the ending itself of the anime wins out as a whole. The characters of Uranus and Neptune are unforgivably tampered with, and it sickened me to see them so horribly written, as well as the unlikely Saturn-Pluto defeat. Another somewhat jarring effect of Sailorstars is the different animation style, at least in some parts. It becomes most obvious when any of the senshi perform their attacks, as the quality and style of the attack film sharply contrasts the somewhat choppy and oddly-angled style and animation of the episodes. However, that is the exception rather than the rule, and overall the animation fits the series rather well. All in all, Sailorstars is incredible. Its maturity and complexity reflects an older Usagi and older friends, as they reach for their adulthood and their adult lives, their futures lying ahead, right before them. The music, then voice acting...and one final adventure with Sailormoon, before everyone goes through high school and their great challenges there. Hinting at the future and with a respectful nod to the things that came before, Sailorstars takes our dearly-loved senshi for one final spin, and returns them lovingly home at the end, for us to cherish forever. Last updated Monday, June 26 2000. Created Monday, June 26 2000. |
This can be either the most reviled or most dearly cherished series of Sailormoon out there. SuperS for the most part completely excluded the outer senshi or any mention of them, preferring instead to focus on the antics of Chibi-Usa and the inner senshi, as a sharp contrast to the previous series, and a welcome one at that. However, another sharp contrast turned the series' atmosphere back to a more mature, darker venue, exploring love and loss, growing older, and the difficulty of new surroundings, as Usagi and her friends enter high school.||||||||
Other Sites
Name | URL |
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | http://www.tcp.com/doi/smoon/smoon.html |
The English Reference Fan Site for Sailor Moon, by Hitashi Doi | |