Title: | Ginga Tetsudo 999
Galaxy Express 999 (TV)
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
1979, 1980, 1981, Action, Classic, Drama, Sci-Fi, TV
Notables: |
Animation - Toei
Original Concept - MATSUMOTO Leiji
In a distant future, a human boy named Tetsuro wants to have his body replaced with a robotic one. But this is only possible on the robotic Immortal Planet which can only be reached on the intergalactic railway. While on board the Galaxy Express 999, he meets Maetel, a beatiful and mysterious blond haired girl, who stays with him on the long travel through space. Every episode starts with the two heroes arriving in a new planet space station destination.
[113 (half hour) epsiodes - based on the manga of the same title. Series aired in Japan late 1978 through early 1981. See spinoff title Galaxy Railways and its sequels Galaxy Railways OAV and Galaxy Railways II.]
View all 113 episodes in an online streaming subtitled format at CrunchyBoll.
[edit] Galaxy Express 999 Main Series:
Galaxy Express 999 Movies:
Galaxy Railways: