Title: | Ginga Tetsudo Monogatari: Eien e no Bunkiten
Galaxy Railways 2
Galaxy Railways II
Galaxy Railways: Eternal Divergence
Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari II
The Galaxy Railways 2
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2006, Fantasy, Sequel, TV
Notables: |
Original Concept - MATSUMOTO Leiji
Manabu Yuuki is a soldier in the Space Defense Force (SDF). The SDF are a galaxy police force that uses trains for space travel. Manabu is assigned to his father's old train Big 1. In the second season, Manabu has to deal with a brand new partner and some memories of an old one.
[26 episodes, the sequel to New series scheduled to Galaxy Railways OAV. See also prequel series Galaxy Railways as well as parent series from which the Galaxy Railways line was spunoff from, Galaxy Express.]
[edit] Galaxy Express 999 Main Series:
Galaxy Express 999 Movies:
Galaxy Railways: