This is the playground for Devil Doll collecting images of Anime Characters with Neon-Colored Hair. (Most of these will be girls, occasionally a boy will be added if he fills the corresponding role.)
Rules: Image format = 120x120px JPG; entries ordered by anime number ascending.
Hair colors of Anime characters aren't just selected randomly. In some cases they express significant elements of that person's character (based on color symbolism in Japan). Note that by its very nature, this page may contain potential spoilers even though some characters won't exactly match the description here.
Brown Hair
Normal. Simple, persistent, comforting, traditional. (Japanese)

Yellow/Blonde Hair
Troublemaker. Naive, youthful, ditzy, playful/teasing, cynical, wealthy. (Gaijin)

Red Hair
Hot head. Outspoken, energetic, passionate, stubborn, short-tempered, adventurous, aggressive. (Strong Fighter)

Blue Hair
Shy. Calm, introverted, restrained, cool, dependable. Energetic when necessary. (May have hidden powers)

Green Hair
Good-natured. Tranquil, sometimes inconsiderate and vigorous, depending on luck/fate. (Outsider)

Purple Hair
Isolated. Smart and/or secretive. (Supporting characters.)

Grey/Silver Hair
Powerful. Dignified, skillful, intelligent, mysterious, arrogant. May not be human. (Force of Nature, Villain)

Orange Hair
Emotional. Full of energy and warmth, enthusiastic, seeking attention.

Black Hair
Occult. Dealing with the Supernatural, fighting demons. (Miko, Magic User, Fortune Teller)

Pink Hair
Childlike. Sickeningly cute and bubbly, naive, feminine, kind, innocent.

Animes making use of this hair color code
Rules: Animes listed here ought to have female characters of at least five different hair color categories (hint: green often is the key to that). Use color order from above within each anime for better comparison, and insert anime by their number ascending.[edit] To Heart

[edit] Shin Seiki Evangelion

[edit] Love Hina

[edit] Triangle Heart 3: Sweet Songs Forever

[edit] Uchuu no Stellvia

[edit] Wind: A Breath of Heart TV

[edit] Shuffle!

[edit] To Heart 2

[edit] Lamune

[edit] Kanon (2006)

[edit] Tsuyokiss Cool X Sweet

[edit] Nagasarete Airantou

[edit] Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo

[edit] Night Wizard

[edit] Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo (combining all three seasons of the franchise)

[edit] Kannagi

[edit] Toradora!

[edit] Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi

[edit] Yūsha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shūshoku o Ketsui Shimashita

[edit] Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai!