This page describes the wiki markup language used by this wiki. You should also read Wiki Namespaces.
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Level 1 Heading (H1)
= Level 1 Heading (H1) =
<h1> Level 1 Heading (H1) </h1>
Level 2 Heading (H2)
== Level 2 Heading (H2) ==
<h2> Level 2 Heading (H2) </h2>
Level 3 Heading (H3)
=== Level 3 Heading (H3) ===
<h3> Level 3 Heading (H3) </h3>
Level 4 Heading (H4)
==== Level 4 Heading (H4)
<h4> Level 4 Heading (H4) </h4>
Level 5 Heading (H5)
===== Level 5 Heading (H5)
<h5> Level 5 Heading (H5) </h5>
Level 6 Heading (H6)
====== Level 6 Heading (H6)
<h6> Level 6 Heading (H6) </h6)
The horizontal lines in this page are made with 3 or more dashes:
--- or <hr>
Line break Page break - end of line, carriage return or add an empty line.
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.
Like this. Another paragraph. Or with
tags.Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.
Like this. Another paragraph.
Or with <p>paragraph</p>tags.
Bold text and underscore text.
*Bold text* and _underscore text_.
<b>Bold text</b> and <u>underscore text</u>.
<strong>Bold text</strong>
<i>Italic text</i>
<em>Italic text</em>
Combination of bold and underscore
*_Combination of bold and underscore_*
Wiki Links are formed by surrounding a word with brackets ([ ]).
There are special links that have a colon (:) in their name, like Shoujo Kakumei Utena. For full details, look here.
There are special links that have a colon (:) in their name, like [series:56]. For full details, look [Wiki Namespaces | here].
External links begin with http://, like
External links begin with http://, like
[Wiki Links | Named wiki links] have the wiki link, followed by a pipe and the label.
[Wiki Links | Named wiki links] have the wiki link, followed by a pipe and the label.
Named http links are just like named wiki links only with the URL instead of the wiki link, like Anime Mikomi Org
Named http links are just like named wiki links
only with the URL instead of the wiki link,
like [ | Anime Mikomi Org]
or with HTML <a href="">Anime Mikomi Org</a>
To use square brackets without a link, precede them with a backslash (\).
To use square brackets without a link, precede them with a backslash (\\).
Same thing with
Same thing with \
Mailto links are like http links:
Mailto links are like http links: [].
Links to images display the image:
<img src="">
Links to youtube embed the video from youtube:
Unordered lists begin with a '* '. The number of asterisks determines the level:
- foo
- bar
- boom
- bam
- baz
* foo
* bar
** boom
** bam
* baz
Ordered lists begin with a '0 ' (zero):
- foo
- bar
- boom
- bam
- baz
0 foo
0 bar
00 boom
00 bam
0 baz
You can mix lists too:
- Today:
- Eat icecream
- Buy a pony
- Tomorrow:
- Eat more icecream
- Buy another pony
* Today:
00 Eat icecream
00 Buy a pony
* Tomorrow:
00 Eat more icecream
00 Buy another pony
<li>Eat icecream</li>
<li>Buy a pony</li></ol></li>
<li>Eat more icecream</li>
<li>Buy another pony</li></ol></li></ul>
Additionally, the following HTML tags with no wiki equivalent are allowed:
<div>...</div> <span>...</span> <blockquote>...</blockquote>
<font...>...</font> <tt>...</tt> <table>...</table> <tbody>...</tbody>
<tr>...</tr> <td>...</td> <th...</th> <sup>...</sup> <br /> <small>...</small>