Azumanga Daioh: The Movie

Title:Azumanga Daioh: The Movie
Azumanga Daioh Movie
あずまんが大王(劇場短編) (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Notables: ASAKAWA Yuu
Production - GENCO, Inc.
An extremely short movie, five minutes long, but actually was in theaters in Japan. Introduces all the girls and several of the gags that can be seen throughout the TV Series and Manga.
See also: Azumanga Daioh (TV), Azumanga Web Daioh.
5:48min Complete Movie - YouTube Video
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 7 6 7 4 4 Devil Doll [series:502#752]
[Score: 59% = "Watch"]

Much weirder than most of the series, and thus not my cup of tea. I really wonder how this could have been considered a promo for the TV series.

Last updated Saturday, November 19 2011. Created Saturday, November 19 2011.
Rent 9 8 9 7 7 Ggultra2764 [series:502#1552]
From what I hear, this very short movie was used as a promotion for the upcoming Azumanga Daioh (TV) TV series. While the trademark gags of the characters from the manga are intact, this adaptation takes a manic approach with them compared to the subtleness of the TV series. Artwork is of higher quality than the TV series making this the best animated adaptation of Azumanga Daioh.

It's still quite funny and worth checking out. But, don't expect to have multiple watches of the Azumanga Daioh Movie thanks to its length. The TV show has more laughs to give you than this.

Last updated Friday, January 09 2009. Created Friday, January 09 2009.
Buy 9 9 9 8 7 AstroNerdBoy [series:502#436]
As mentioned, this is a short movie (only a few minutes long) that was released in the theaters. The animation and everything is all new and it has a big-screen feel to it. Despite this, it didn't do as much for me as the series, mainly because this was a retread of certain elements of Azumanga Daioh (like Chiyo's pigtails falling off). If you've seen the series, there's nothing new here but the art/animation.

Bottom line: Being such a huge fan of the series, I hope ADV includes it in its DVD release.

Last updated Tuesday, July 22 2003. Created Saturday, May 03 2003.
Buy 9 10 9 7 Mark Clifton [series:502#126]
Yep, an extremely short movie, even the movie soundtrack is three times longer than the movie. But that is such the world of Azumanga Daioh. It's really a introduction than anything else. But since it was released in movie theaters across Japan, it has the honor of having the best Art and Animation from the entire Azumanga Daioh saga.
Is it short, yes; is it worth checking out, oh hell yea. You may consider it a test to see if Azumanga is right for you.
Chiyo-chan is so KAWAII!!!

Last updated Thursday, January 16 2003. Created Thursday, January 16 2003.

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Azumanga Daioh
A nice fansite of the series.

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