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Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design | Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer | |
Buy | 9 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 9 |
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[series:4336#1552] |
Remake Our Life offers focus on both the challenges involved with creative projects like movies and video games, as well as the developments of Kyouya and his friends. While focus on creative developments isn’t new with an anime series, Remake Our Life still does a great job believably delving into the challenges involved with planning and development of creative works as Kyouya’s projects often have him in challenging situations that compromise the quality of a project. This leads him to have to plan out how to overcome the present crisis through any available means to meet deadlines and ensure a quality work is provided, demonstrating his project management skills. This rings true for creative projects in real life as challenging situations with the development of a creative work can lead plans to have to be changed or removed all together to meet any expected deadlines for the project development’s timeline, especially in regards to TV shows, movies, and video games. The series also explores Kyouya and his friends in their developments as Remake Our Life takes the time to flesh them out and explore whatever issues they are dealing with in their personal lives. Outside of Kyouya using his time leap to attempt improving his future, his friends each have their varying issues to deal with for the creative careers they are aiming for. This shows Kyouya that in spite of how talented each of them are in their different creative outlets, they are still individuals with their own personal struggles they have to learn to overcome in their endeavors in spite of how much he idolizes them. The time travel gimmick also comes into play when the series later explores how each of Kyouya’s friends are impacted from his involvement in their lives while in college and how this affects Kyouya’s future aspirations. Unfortunately, the series does end inconclusively during a major point in its storyline due to the usual culprit of the title’s light novel source material still being ongoing during the time of its airing. Besides the lack of a proper ending, I also took issue with the title’s occasional milking of fanservice with members of the female cast usually seen in states of undress. For a slice-of-life drama, it felt out of place to add this to the series and would take time away from the serious focus it provided on its characters and the various projects that Kyouya and his friends were involved in. Despite some hiccups, I’ll admit that I was engaged with Remake Our Life thanks to its believable exploration of the developments of Kyouya and his friends, as well as the various challenges that each undergo with the different creative outlets they aspire to be in and the various projects they take on together. If you have interest in a series exploring the challenges involved with developing a creative work you aspire to work on, I’d recommend this as a solid series to dabble into. Last updated Monday, November 27 2023. Created Monday, November 27 2023. |
Remake Our Life focuses on a struggling video game developer named Kyouya Hashiba finding himself whisked 10 years back into the past when he was enrolled as a college student. This event leads him to encounter and befriend three creative talents whom served as his inspiration in his efforts from the present to become a successful game developer. ||||||||
Unevaluated |
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[series:4336#628] | ||||||
Episode one was around 50 minutes long, with the episode continuing for a good while after the credits roll. The first segment seemed intriguing if sometimes confusing, while in the second one we get a bit of cheap crapola, i.e, the typical 'someone trips and lands in a suggestive position' bit. Was this intentional, as some sort of self parody? It seemed distinctly out of place in what was otherwise a respectable show. My confusion came from, if I understood things correctly, there being no less than three alternate realities that Kyouya cycles through, apparently completely at random. There's his ordinary, miserable life, his reset life at Oonaka, and a return to his crappy first job at a questionable studio (perhaps that was just a memory or a joke, but I wondered how many alternate realities there would be). I also wondered if there would ever be any explanation of how this had happened. Still, I was curious how this time travel would work out, and the characters seemed fairly interesting and likable, so I decided to watch episode two of Remake. Episode two seemed to be more about how Kyouya will struggle through his freshman year at Oonaka than about the effects of his time travel, which seemed to me to be an example of concentrating on what was by far the less interesting of the two. At one point I was wondering why the time travel bit was included at all. Why not just make an anime about someone who gets it right the first time around? There was one scene where (if I understood things correctly) Kyouya inadvertently uses an idea his friend once dreamed up, and the friend demands to know how that could have possibly happened. I hoped that maybe this guy would begin to wonder if something like time travel (or mind reading) had taken place. But in fact it was about the only time anything like people taking time travel seriously happened in the series as far as I watched it. About the only thing at risk here seems to be that Kyouya might fail in his second attempt to make something of himself as well as the first. In episode four two of his friends get into a fight about whether one of them is truly qualified to be an actress, which seems to devastate one of them, but in the end the whole matter is resolved within 23 minutes and everyone's happy again. Right... And there's another incident of crass fanservice, as if the makers of this show sensed that viewers weren't going to keep coming back unless a hot girl lost the top of her bikini. The technical aspects of making short films are sort of interesting, but not interesting enough to compensate for uninteresting characters and plot. To summarize, this show doesn't seem to be making much of an effort to exploit the most novel element of its premise, namely the idea that a person can go back in time and be granted a second chance at a career. Since that possibility really is (fairly) novel, I want this show to concentrate on it--That is why I kept watching for five episodes. But it doesn't. It barely gets a mention. Kyouya doesn't ask himself why he deserved a 'reset', or who provided it, or whether his life might reset yet again at any moment. The plot minus that doesn't excite me, so why should I keep watching? Ultimately, I decided not to. Last updated Friday, October 01 2021. Created Monday, July 05 2021. |
(Five episodes watched)||||||||