Amagami SS Short Animations

Title:Amagami SS Short Animations
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
6 short episodes, distributed to those who purchased all BluRay disks of Amagami SS.
  1. Morishima Haruka arc: Lovers' Parfait (4:46 min)
  2. Tanamachi Kaoru arc: Christmas Cake (4:16 min)
  3. Nakata Sae arc: Birthday Present (6:19 min)
  4. Nanasaki Ai arc: Skinship (4:27 min)
  5. Sakurai Rihoko arc: Nail Clipper (4:35 min)
  6. Ayatsuji Tsukasa arc: Melon Bread (4:13 min)
Episode Details 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 9 7 7 7 6 7 Devil Doll [series:2553#752]
[Score: 70% = "Watch+"]

These short clips, 5 minutes per arc only, can't possibly tell a real story. They're just a nice add-on for each arc, showing their characters in typical scenes. This is for fans of the franchise only, don't expect any stand-alone value of these 29 minutes of animation.

For me, Tsukasa's scene alone was worth watching this extra material; Rihoko's scene was a nice surprise whereas Ai's scene was practically a non-event. The other three clips met my expectation.

Last updated Tuesday, April 10 2012. Created Tuesday, April 10 2012.

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