Motto To LOVE-Ru

Title:Motto To LOVE-Ru
もっとTo LOVEる -とらぶる- (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: TOMATSU Haruka
A year after Lala came to Earth the story from ToLoveRu continues. Lala is determinated to make Rito fall for her, and she will put all her effort onto it, even knowing that Rito loves another girl. Rito will have a harder time since Lala's little twin sisters live in the same house, also Mikan, and Celine. They will have a lot of fun and trouble with their other friends from school and many others, with Lala's inventions, Yami's contract to kill Rito and many pending issues from season 1.
(Synopsis courtesy of ANN)

[edit] The ↗To Love-Ru franchise:
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 7 8 7 7 7 Dreamer [series:2409#2279]
Having watched and enjoyed the first season of To Love-Ru, thought I'd pick this one up in hopes of more of the same goodness. But...

Art, Animation & Character Designs
Artwork was good. It seemed identical to the first season. Animation doesn't seem too high so the framerate must be a bit lower. Character designs were good... especially the girls... all the girls were kawaii.

The OP was slightly ok. It was an alternative piece with female vocals. At least the vocals didn't sound like some elementary school girls as many OPs do. The soundtrack was hardly noticeable. Mostly light elevator style of music. There were a few light flutes and summer-is-here flavor of background music. The ED was a happy-go-lucky type of pop piece with female vocals. Not bad but not my flavor either.

Series and Episode Story
This one has ton of fan service. It makes the fist season seem tame. I mean, it's overly done with plenty of breasts and butts in full glory. This time around, we don't have a plot. Rather, this series is episodic. There were a few laughs here and there mainly due to the silly and slapstick nature of the series... not for any sophisticated humor for sure. At last, "Haruna"... (spoiler)confesses her love for Rito.... even if it's only to Lala.

Overall, it lacked substance. At least the first season had some story and substance. Here, we're focused too much on fanservice. But somehow, I still love Lala.

Last updated Thursday, January 20 2011. Created Thursday, January 20 2011.
Unevaluated Stretch [series:2409#628]
I had modestly enjoyed the original series and was hoping for more of the same. Computer problems delayed my watching Motto by two months...and it looks like I didn't miss much. Right from the start, I had an uh-oh feeling as I recognized the sort of character designs which I have come to associate with cheap, sleazy ecchi shows--Ladies versus Butlers! for example. When Lala appeared nude in the opening scene, I said to myself that I think I can see where this is going. Her line "From now on I'll walk around naked with more dignity" pretty much sums up the approach this series seems to be taking. It's the all-too-common 'substitute fanservice for talent' tactic. When three ecchi events took place before I got so much as a smile from a decent joke, I decided that screw this, I quit. It took 6 minutes and 48 seconds. This is not the same show as the first time around; it seems pathetic, with lame humor tied to a chronic lack of effort regarding anything except T&A.

Last updated Friday, January 21 2011. Created Monday, December 13 2010.

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