To Love-Ru OVA
The fact that the first episode began with closeups of the female characters' chests--before even showing their faces--didn't seem to bode well for these OVAs. But in fact breast obsession plays a significant part in the plot of this one, so I suppose this can be excused. I was thinking that breast humor had never been taken so far, at least not by a show which was making a significant effort to actually be funny, like this one does. The theme is that another of Lala's hairbrained inventions has inflicted an unwanted sex change upon Yuuki. Again, at least this was trying to be funny, even if the results were modest, instead of being a sleazy show where humor is just an excuse for heaping on ecchi.
Episode two was less pleasing; it contained the usual accidental fondling incidents but few good jokes. There was a bit of a moral to the story, but it was mediocre and the main message I get is that fanservice is only excusable if some sort of quality is present elsewhere to counterbalance it. That is, if I get the feeling that ecchi isn't the primary asset which the makers were relying on to attract viewers. Character designs seemed slightly different, especially during SD scenes; basically, the characters seemed more sharply focused than I remember from the TV series.
Episode three was more of the same. Haruna has won a trip to a tropical island for herself and nine friends, who must all be female. The thought occured to me that I knew where this was going, the sex changing gimick from the first episode would be reused to sneak Rito along, and that might be pretty funny. But I was wrong--this show isn't even trying to be funny. Instead, this was largely an animated pinup of girls in bikinis, showing off every interesting angle of their bodies since there are no guys present. For instance, playing Twister so that their crotches are in plain view. It gets tiresome after awhile. This seemed more boring than erotic to me, but then the process shifts into high gear. It's like they will use any excuse to include a kinky scene, even if it makes absolutely no sense plotwise (Rito would never behave like that). And then it just ends abruptly, without any explanation of WTF was going on. It didn't make me feel dirty, it made me feel sorry for anybody who would actually pay good money to watch this stuff.
Last updated Sunday, August 09 2009. Created Sunday, April 19 2009.