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Watch | 8 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
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[series:2354#1552] |
Last updated Saturday, May 13 2017. Created Saturday, May 13 2017. |
Cat Planet Cuties is an oddball of a harem rom-com where our male lead's close female friends and the cat-girl alien that comes into his life all have developed some sort of romantic interest in our lead and the girls just happen to be trained fighters of varying capacities. The action and bizarre alien mashup do help lead to moments of creative humor and entertainment as Kio and the girls find themselves at odds with a secret enemy organization that is in league with rival dog aliens. The action that is offered as a result of this conflict is surprisingly fluid and offers moments of engaging fight sequences throughout most of the series. Beyond this, Cat Planet Cuties dabbles into ecchi/ harem comedy territory with a good amount of nudity, fan service shots, and innuendo offered up during the anime's more lighter moments that do take away from the action and plot as the middle section of the series does drag thanks to the anime focusing more on its ecchi and harem antics. Also for a male lead, Kio is as generic as they come as he is nowhere as fleshed out as the girls making up his harem. While offering enough to somewhat stick out from the generic mold of ecchi/ harem comedy anime, Cat Planet Cuties is a decent rental if you are looking for something different with the harem anime genre.
Watch | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
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[series:2354#2279] |
Art, Animation & Character Designs Artwork and animation was pretty good. Artwork had some rich colors, pretty smooth and well detailed. Characters were well done and the girls were pretty kawaii. Especially with the cat ears and tail. Music The OP was an ok pop piece with female vocals. Not my flavor but it wasn't too bad really. The soundtrack had some suspensefu pieces... mainly during fight scenes or during gun fights. Mostly light to mild orchestras. The ED was a light piece with female vocals.... almost sounded like a lullaby of sort. Series and Episode Story The first episode was sorta impressive, although I was still a bit reserved. Then I saw the "power ranger" type of suit and I was thinking, "oh great, a power ranger show". Well, i'm glad it didn't turn out like that. Wheew! Ok, so we have the typical setting... a stupid nerdy guy with no guts, no balls and ignorant to come-ons from the opposite sex. Then the bevy of cute girls that all are basically fighting for his attention.... and one which hapens to be a childhood friend. Ok, so it's been done a million times over but it doesn't mean the series was a loss but rather predictable. Th plot wasn't anything grand. If anything, we pretty much had nothing more than a couple of girls and their blazing guns or other weapons. And of course, none of them get's a single scratch from the bullets flying around. Nevertheless, it was still somewhat enjoyable with the characters, the silly humour, and a bit of echhi moments here and there. Overall, it was a mild entertainment with not a whole to offer in terms of plot engagement. With such an oh-so-common harem setting, nothing stood out to make it worth remembering. There's plenty better. Last updated Tuesday, November 16 2010. Created Tuesday, November 16 2010. |
Here's another one I picked up because I ran out of things to watch for my nightly anime fix. I didn't really know what to expect even though the synopsis above seemed pretty run-of-the-mill.||||||||
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[series:2354#3223] | ||||||
I'm not really liking this title. Feels like ![]() Last updated Tuesday, August 03 2010. Created Tuesday, August 03 2010. |
(One and a half episodes watched)||||||||
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[series:2354#628] | ||||||
Somehow, episode one of this show just left me feeling apathetic. Everyone has a secret, it oozes deceit and conspiracy, yet I'm having a hard time feeling excited. Was this intended as a joke, or is it supposed to be taken seriously? If it was supposed to be a joke, I detect plenty of boob jiggling but little actual humor; if it was meant to be serious, I'm confused and not seeing much point in paying close attention to this show. The common practice of starting a series off with an action scene can generate some excitement, but if it just bewilders me (what did it have to do with any of the characters?), then it has done more harm than good. The notion of an alien paying a first visit to earth ought to be intriguing, but perhaps it's the lack of much personality on anyone's part that leaves me uninterested. I'll probably watch at least another episode, but so far I don't detect many signs of worthwhile entertainment within Asobi ni Iku yo. Seeing a bevy of sexy cat-eared alien girls in school swimsuits finally made it clear which genre Asobi belongs to: comedy. Two episodes have largely done little more than confuse me, but at last the show gets on track and seems like modest fun. The usual setup of several girls staying with one guy is established; at least Kio isn't a exceptionally unexceptional guy, designed to convey the message 'imagine yourself in this blank character's place'. I did think the notion of establishing an alien embassy in his home, and hiring the former secret agents as it's security guards made some sense. I hope we haven't seen the last of Eris' fellow crewmembers. There continues to be plenty of fanservice, but it can draw a genuine laugh now and then. I'm glad I didn't abandon Asobi altogether; if there hadn't been so few decent series this season, I might have. Episode six had a clever and touching bit that takes place on the aliens' holodeck--except that it was all pretty much nulified afterwards, as if characters speaking freely about their feelings for once couldn't be tolerated. Still, this show is fun. One thing that confuses me is the show's stand on violence. Futaba and Manami are sometimes blazing away with live ammo, but nobody ever gets hit. Still, they are trying to kill, right? When they had a sort of feud between themselves I wasn't sure for a good while if it was a sort of paintball or a genuine duel to the death. Like many other shows, you just don't know exactly what's going on, and consequently you don't completely care. This show has a good joke now and then, but the humor alone isn't enough to carry it. And with only a handful of serious laughs, I can't help expecting entertainment to come from another direction--but the show just doesn't make sense. 'Hey girls, put on these power suits and go fight automated spacecraft with these laser whips--surely you know how to do that, right?' That bit was supposed to be taken seriously (I think). The ending was funny, but there was absolutely no resolution to the romantic four-way that had been building all along. It's as if bits and pieces of the manga were cut out and slapped together, without much thought about whether someone who hadn't already read the manga would understand what was going on. That's kind of sad, because the plot fragments themselves seemed fairly neat--they just weren't fitted together very well. Catch Futaba and Manami's montage at the Cute Girls with Guns page! Last updated Saturday, February 01 2025. Created Wednesday, July 14 2010. |
(All episodes watched):||||||||
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[series:2354#967] | ||||||
An alien space ship appears over earth and announces that they have come to visit and that they have no evil intentions. What they actually said is “we have come to play”. A nice boy living on the island of Okinawa returns from a shopping errand and finds a strange girl attending his family’s annual memorial service. She is full figured, with cat ears and a tail and wears a strange uni-costume. One thing leads to another, she ends up following him home and they even end up sharing the same bed. It is only the next morning does Kio find out that Eris is really an alien visitor. But wait, there is more….. Kio’s childhood friend, Manami-chan, (the girl who lives next door) likes to spy on him and she knows that he brought a girl home last night. It turns out that she’s secretly a weapons freak and belongs to a secret organization with a secret agenda concerning the aliens. Kio’s high-school teacher, Hitokasu-sensei shows up and discovers that his cute new friend is an alien. But she is hiding that she belongs to a government agency dedicated to learning more about these aliens. Then there is the cute girl who attends Kio’s high school. Futaba-chan seems to hold a special fondness for Kio, but she is hiding that she’s a topnotch assassin with special abilities that allow her to ‘manifest’ weapons upon request. So we can expect a lot of overblown and weird scifi hormone, comedic and adrenaline driven action. Sounds silly, doesn't it? Last updated Thursday, August 05 2010. Created Monday, July 12 2010. |
WOW!! This is going to be a silly series….. ||||||||