Crush Gear Turbo

Title:Crush Gear Turbo
激闘!クラッシュギアTURBO (Japanese)
超激力戰鬥車 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
A boy gets tired of being beaten-up and picked-on, and channels his fighting spirit into a new game of 'crashing robot-controlled cars' called the 'Crush Gear Turbo' battles.

Animation by Sunrise.
Released 2001 through 2003
68 TV Episodes (~24min).

Licensed in Australia (English), Arabic, Taiwan, Tagalog (Philippines), Spanish and German.

激闘 ("gekitou") = "fierce fighting"
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:2304#967]
I tried to watch the first episode of an Australian English-dubbed release - and failed miserably.

From the shallow and dimwitted depths of a Japanese marketing department comes this bit of uncreative and recycled fluff intended to offer some animated-entertainment for the youngest of anime fans.

Words that might best describe this series might be ..... Ben Dan or Yu chun (Chinese), ostoba (Hungarian), stupido (Italian), glup (Croatian), juhm (Estonian), stupidní (Czech), bodoh (Indonesian/Malay), stulbs (Latvian), blöd (German), stupide (French), estupido (Spanish/ Portuguese), dum (Danish/Swedish/Norwegian), stom (Dutch), ngu ngốc (Vietnamese), typerä (Finnish), neumen (Slovenian), pabu (Korean), Khabi (Arabic), Durak (Russian), głupi (Polish), Bobo (Filipino), Moorkh (Hindi), stupid or dumb (English).

Think Japanese battling ↗hot wheels....

Last updated Friday, February 05 2010. Created Friday, February 05 2010.

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