Title: | Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Character CD 1 - Louise
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2008, Comedy, Comedy Fantasy, Drama, Ecchi, Fan Service, Fantasy, Isekai (Other World), Seinen, TV Special
Notables: |
Original Concept - YAMAGUCHI Noboru
Saito is tasked by Lady Elenor to take a magical item that she is testing (which looks like a brazier) and have the most "full-figured" girl at the magic academy try it on. Saito immediately thinks of Siesta, but what will Louise say if she catches him?
This is a 13min character CD (or audio-only presentation), which offers a full featured audio story, but with no video presentation. This is a very Japanese type of fan offering.
[edit] The ↗Zero no Tsukaima franchise: