Title: | Zero no Tsukaima F
Familiar of Zero F
Overall: | Rent |
Keywords: |
2012, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Isekai (Other World), Pantsu, Romance, Seinen, Swordplay, TV
Notables: |
After successfully rescuing Tabitha, Saito and gang return to the Magic Academy and their normal, everyday life. However, a secret order from Henrietta sends Saito and Louise to Romalia, with Tiffania also tagging along.
Announced to be the final season of the franchise (ANN announcement) despite less half of the Lite Novels content (10 of 22) has been animated up to now.
[TV series, 2012, 12 episodes, 24 min]
10 sec Promo Trailer - YouTube Video
[edit] The ↗Zero no Tsukaima franchise: