Hyper Police

Title:Hyper Police
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Set somewhere in a future time, when what remains of society is desperately trying to recover from the turmoil of an earlier apocalyptic event, those normal humans that have survived have learned to live with many changes. Now they resentfully have to share their world with beast-creatures. These beasts face a constant struggle to find their space within a society controlled by humans, when most humans make their dislike of these late-comers clearly known and openly discriminate against against them. The two different races rarely interact, and when they do so, it is almost certain to result in violence. Civil order is maintained by different police businesses that fight whith each other over the rewards for capturing wanted criminals. While they accept minor independent (privatized) bounty hunters, the Police groups don’t tolerate too much competition and are not beyond putting others out of business. The best way to move amongst the shadows in this new society is by not being noticed, but if you are, then you had better be armed to the teeth, keep your fist on your knife, show a gleam of murder and blood in your eyes, and your third eye always watching behind you.

The jurisdiction of Shinjiku is patrolled by the ‘Mad’ police, a group which consists entirely of humans. Living in the shadows is a not-so-successful bounty hunter named Sasahara Natsuki, who makes her money by accepting cases of beasts who have involvements and infringements with humans. Accepting that most humans are well protected by their allies and powerful neighbors, Natsuki is a half-human/half-cat-beast, who manages to walk a perilous line between the two races, while trying to stay true to herself and the law. She is helped by a group of (mostly friendly) non-humans who are part of her clan, who ready to help when she is in trouble. Her team consist of a werewolf, Batanen, is afraid to admit that he is in love with her (a cat), another werebeast name Tommy, and a strange kyubi fox daemon named Sakura who has grand plans of her own, (namely eating Natsuki to absorb her magic, which would allow her to grow all of her tails, thereby permitting her to transform into a nine-tailed-magic-fox.)

25 TV episodes, released in 1997
Produced by Studio Pierrot & TV Tokyo

Licensed by Image Entertainment for R1-USA release.
Six DVDs in set (last episode released in June 2003)
These series may be out of print/release/distribution.
Episode Details 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 7 7 7 8 8 Dreamer [series:1150#2279]
After watching and enjoying the "YUA" series, I decided to pick this one up thinking that it might be more or less similar... not that I'm drawing any comparisons between this series and YUA. However, this was completely different and on a completely different level.

Art, Animation & Character Designs
Considering its production, the artwork isn't too bad. It does show it's age still. The animation doesn't seem as smooth as today's standards. Character designs weren't bad either. However, some of the monster designs were a bit silly looking. Sukara, one of main characters was my fav. Somehow I fell in love with her voice.... and not the dubbed. It was difinitely different than the norm but I found it sorta sexy.... If I could use such a word in reference to anime characters.

The OP of course definitely was a 90's piece... with female vocals. Quite cheesy really but somehow fit almost perfectly with the animated sequence. Not bad honestly. The rest of the soundtrack wasn't really noticeable. As for the ED, it was a choir-like piece... which actually was more fun to listen to than the OP.

Series and Episode Story
I'm not sure where or how the writers came up with the title of "Hyper Police"... considering that our main characters weren't the police but rather bounty hunters.... who themselves at times would get in trouble with the police. Aside from that curiousity, the series wasn't bad. There was really no grand plot but rather, an episodic story telling. With that said, there was plenty of action, gun fights, and a bit of humor here and there.

There was a couple of things that were left unanswered... which I was sorta hoping would be explained or explored as the episodes progressed. One such question was how the humans and "monsters" came to co-exist and were the monsters "half-breeds" or rather simply like how they appeared. The series doesn't go to explain this the least. However, the lack thereof didn't take away from the series.

Overall, this was worth the many hours and an enjoyable watch.

Last updated Monday, June 28 2010. Created Monday, June 28 2010.
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:1150#967]
This is a series which I have found at one of those distant and interesting Fansub web sites. While it appears to have been licensed for R1/USA release, but I can't find it listed as being in open-distribution at any of the more common anime DVD outlets.. so it might be out-of-print.... (which I find interesting? any comments from anyone in the know?)

I will offer an update in the next little bit... but here are the episode/ chapter titles...

01. Bounty Hunter
02. Nine-Tail Fox? Sakura Appears
03. Combination Anxiety
04. A Meal and a Night's Lodging
05. A Night You Feel Like Crying
06. A Bounty Hunter's Vacation
07. Sorry!
08. No Time, No Money, No License
09. Friendship Like Ice
10. Say Goodbye to a Cold Jail Cell
11. I Want the License
12. Osaka Rhapsody
13. Cat's Bell
14. Samurai Japan
15. Cherry (Sakura) Blossoms, or Does It?
16. Everybody, Strange?
17. Kids Floating, Natsuki Fainting
18. An Era of Cohabitation
19. There Is No Tomorrow for the Cats?
20. A Mysterious Dome
21. The Good Sunny Side of the Verandah
22. Po's Depression
23. Sakura Becomes Insane
24. The Day of Catastrophe
25. Which Do You Like?

Last updated Monday, October 24 2005. Created Wednesday, August 10 2005.

Other Sites
Official Japanese Series Web Site http://pierrot.jp/title/hyper/
Hosted by Studio Pierrot, the series producer
R1-USA English Language Web site http://www.image-entertainment.com/image/ies/home.jsp
Image Entertainment - R1-USA licensing company.

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