Bondage Game

Title:Bondage Game
Bondage Game - Shinsou no Doreitachi
Bondage Game - Shinsou no Reijoutachi
Keywords: , ,
Notables: Animation - PinkPineapple
Ridiculously hardcore series featuring just about every single fetish done to the extreme. Every girl seems to be in place to satisfy each masters different liking, such as scatology, peeing, dickgirls, insanely huge breasts with lactation, etc.

Bondage Game-Reijoutachi (2 episode OVA)
Bondage Game-Doreitachi (1 epsiode OVA)
Both released in 2003
Episode Details 
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 8 9 6 3 3 Anonymous #2781 [series:632#2781]
Yes, this is extreme. Everything from scat to girls with male part(s) to extreme bondage. So if you are in to these sorta things I'm sure you'll love it, but if not please avoid.

Ok now that we got that out of the way, we can get to the other stuff.

The animation and character design are great. Not up to par with Bible Black but the women are busty, voluptuous and just look great.

The story is's almost non-existent. Some girl named Yuu is held slave and forced to do disgusting sexual acts. It is never shown how she got there though.

Last note: Interesting and VERY DARK sex scenes with dull monologue. So

if you are into the things mentioned above I'm sure you'll enjoy this even with the almost non-existent story line.

Last updated Sunday, November 18 2007. Created Sunday, November 18 2007.

Watch 6 6 6 5 5 5 Sasuke-chan [series:632#485]
So John-sama was criticising people reviewing a hentai anime how disgusting and disturbing this is. Because it is ironic.

And, anyway, I do belong to the category of people who claims to be curious. 'Forbidden fruits' can't help but garner attention. The more people say it is disgusting and disturbing, the more you are curious as to how disturbing this animated series can me. Just like why people want to watch horror movies despite knowing that you might be scared after the whole ordeal. You want to taste it, you want to feel the adrenaline rush.

So, I downloaded and watch it. And I must say, yes, I am disturbed.

The fetishes shown in this animation are really extreme. Watch it if you can stomach it. It is so extreme that I believe no one should be able to derive pleasure(that's if you can derive pleasure from just watching porn) from watching it unless you are a super sadistic person.

spoilerAnd I don't understand what's the fetish with females having an extra organ.spoiler

For a moment, I was thinking that the creators of this anime must be so inhumane that they can thought of such torturing methods for the 2D characters to endure.

And, I don't exactly catch the plot that was supposed to be there. Is there anyone who can enlighten me on it?

Besides that, I don't really like the Art of the show.

Oh my God that's disgusting, I'm so curious I want to watch it? - That's being a bit extreme and sarcastic. But anyway, I believe that people have such tendencies even if it is not proven or even if not everyone agrees to it - and if these people are dumbass so be it. When there are accidents - don't every one just turn their heads and look at what had happened? Or if it is written on news how terribly a person was raped or murdered - everyone will be debating on it? The headlines obviously had already warned of the content, but everyone reads it anyway because they wanted to know what happened. And debates arise because everyone felt differently after that. You can't expect everyone to feel good or bad about something, there are certainly people who would feel disgusted, or on the other extreme, high, after watching this show.

I was just asking what the plot is about since somewhere someone had mentioned about its existence.

Last updated Tuesday, April 17 2007. Created Sunday, March 18 2007.
Unevaluated 7 7 7 6 7 6 Shance [series:632#2453]
Series like this are extremely difficult to rate. I can't really say whether or not it's "watchable". I'll put it simply... This is targetted at people who have one or more of the fetishes that can be found in here. People who simply have a taste for the darker world of hentai will also be interetsed. Fetishes include mutilation, scat, breast inflation, lactation, futanari, painful body piercing, diapers, and vomitting. Some viewers also may be offended by the way the women are treated in this anime. They are no longer women, but objects to be traded and used. There is a plot, but I doubt most people watching will care much about it.

Last updated Sunday, February 04 2007. Created Sunday, February 04 2007.
Unevaluated Devil Doll [series:632#752]

Last updated Tuesday, October 09 2007. Created Sunday, October 15 2006.
Avoid 7 7 6 7 3 2 manganime [series:632#1633]
It's kinda hard to review something like this. If your looking for something which is actually good don't bother with this but if you are like me and just wanted to watch this out of curiosity to if it is really as sick as people say it is then it's a different story and i still don't really mind watching the uncensored version as that would be even more disgusting.

Closing words only watch if you get curious about this sort of stuff.

Last updated Wednesday, December 14 2005. Created Wednesday, December 14 2005.
Buy 9 9 8 8 5 MasterYoshidino [series:632#598]
Weird ass hentai that PinkPineapple released. Arguably their darkest release ever. Tons of scat, bondage, freak stuff, and stuff that is never allowed in Region 1 hentai.
Just not my cup of pee though. I rather see Elfeana : The Animation than this imo.

Last updated Thursday, September 25 2003. Created Tuesday, September 09 2003.

Other Sites
Pink Pineapple
Official Bondage Game site
Official Bondage Game pc and dvg game site

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