Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai

Title:Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai
A Condition Called Love
I'm addicted to you
Keywords: , , , , ,
Hananoi-kun is a 'super hot' guy 'whose height and looks everyone agrees are in the 99th percentile'. But while he goes out with many girls, he is convinced that there is one who is his predestined 'soulmate' and he soon breaks up with any other once he decides that she is not the one. Hinase Hotaru, on the other hand, has never been in love and is uncomfortable with the idea of an emotion that would make some stranger more important to a girl than her own family and friends. After she performs an act of kindness to a dejected Hananoi, he gets the idea that she might be the girl he has been looking for.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4808#628]
(One episode watched):

Early in episode one this show looked kind of neat, what with Hotaru's skeptical attitude towards romance. But as the episode went on, I got the impression that she wasn't all that unusual after all. For God's sake, just say 'I'm not looking for a boyfriend'. But she wouldn't even do that, and ultimately decides that it wouldn't hurt if she just gave romance a try. If she has already been converted from hostile to romance to curious about it in just one episode, I doubt if there will be much that is really original about this show. And I'm sorry, but Hananoi doesn't strike me as the kind of guy you'd want as a boyfriend anyway. he's too simple-minded; why is he so sure that a perfect 'soulmate' for him exists somewhere? His indifference to pain is kind of creepy. He's super handsome but other than that it seems to me that there is something seriously wrong with him. One of the alternate titles for this show is "I'm addicted to you", and it seems that it is Hananoi who has become addicted to Hotaru, and nothing good will come of a romance like that.

Last updated Sunday, April 28 2024. Created Sunday, April 28 2024.

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