Dragon Raja

Title:Dragon Raja
龙族 / 龍族 -The Blazing Dawn-
Keywords: , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: MURASE Ayumu
Lu Mingfei has been admitted to Cassel College in a foreign country--but no one there seems to know anything about it. He runs into Finger von Frings, a career student now in his eighth year at the college who assures him that it is quite real. Strange dreams trouble him after he dozes off. A special train carrying Professor Guderian comes to pick Lu up. After signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement he is briefed on what really goes on at Cassel: an undeclared, unknown war has been raging between humans and Dragons for thousands of years, and the college is where heroes are trained to fight them and new weapons and tactics are devised. This all seems like too much to believe for Lu, but he is shown solid evidence that Dragons really do exist. '"Everything I thought was true is collapsing before my eyes!" he exclaims.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4804#628]
(Three episodes watched):

Trying to track down the origins of this show has been confusing. Is it a 16 episode ONA released in 2022? Or has it been re-released, in some form, in 2024? Or is this season two? The synopsis at MyAnimeList, attached to the 2022 version, did not exactly match episode one that I watched. Is it based on a novel, a videogame, or both? It seems to be of Chinese origin and ANN will have nothing to do with it. Whatever the case may be, episode one made me LOL twice which is something most out-and-out comedy anime can't do even once. The show seems to have a definite style and storytelling skill which most anime lack. The characters seem to have, well, character. I don't know if the full premise will make much sense--the key will probably be convincing us that Dragons really could exist, or at least not being so unconvincing that we cannot take it seriously. But episode one of DR has passed its first test: I intend to watch episode two.

As if the fantastic Cassel College wasn't mind-blowing enough, Lu finds himself in the midst of a vicious battle between gun armed students while being given a tour by professor Guderian. I was pretty sure that this mayhem must be a game rather than real, but it was pretty realistic. At any rate this had nothing to do with Dragons and I wondered what the point of it was. Again, Lu hears a voice from some strange person that turns him briefly into an awesome fighter himself (though this only alienates practically everyone on both sides of this campus feud). We learn that the college president's strategy to fight Dragons is to find a superhero, and Lu might be the person he has been looking for. I had been wanting to learn more about this supposed war with Dragons but episode two seemed to be trying a little too hard to be cool and outlandish.

In episode three I found myself wondering if traditional type dragons would ever show up. We learn that almost all of the students have some dragon blood (if I understood correctly). How did that happen? Maybe I haven't been paying close enough attention to the details, but the amount of attention I pay is usually in direct proportion to the amount of entertainment I get in return. There's something about a White and a Black Dragon 'Emperor', whatever exactly that means. But one thing I cannot deny is that the jokes continue to be good--I got more laughs out of this episode than I usually do out of an episode of a pure comedy anime.

Last updated Sunday, May 12 2024. Created Sunday, April 21 2024.

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