Seikimatsu Darling

Title:Seikimatsu Darling
The End of the Century Darling
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Otaka, a nice and hardworking man, has only one problem... His love for Takasugi—another man. But by telling Takasugi about his feelings the problem should be gone. Yet another problem arise, Takasugi believes their feelings are too alike and that they therefore can't be together. But who knows what can happen when two men in love go away on a vacation together—both determined to win the seducing game.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

30-minute OVA released on February 16, 1996.
Animated by Horannabi.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 6 6 6 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:4538#1552]
Appearing to be made as promotional material for its manga source material, this OVA appears to play out as a sort of yaoi romantic comedy with its premise involving the two male leads interested in one another attempting to compete to see who earns the affection of the other first. Much of the humor comes from the antics and thoughts of the mentioned male leads as they think of one another, have their competition, and have their personality quirks that play out throughout this single-episode OVA. However between not much being fleshed out with the characters and the limited run time to build up the relationship, there isn't much here that I'd say would make this worth a rewatch, even if yaoi or shounen-ai titles grab your interest.

Last updated Saturday, October 01 2022. Created Saturday, October 01 2022.

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