Title: | Ashita Sekai ga Owaru Toshitemo
The Relative Worlds
Overall: | Watch |
Keywords: |
2019, Action, Artificial Girls, Drama, Movie, Romance, Sci-Fi
Notables: |
Shin and Kotori are both third years in high school. Shin lost his mother when he was little, and since then he has a tendency to close himself off. Kotori is his childhood friend who always looks out for him. One day, another "self" from another Japan appears in front of them.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
95-minute movie released on January 25, 2019.
Animated by Craftar Studios. |
Shin and Kotori are both third years in high school. Shin lost his mother when he was little, and since then he has a tendency to close himself off. Kotori is his childhood friend who always looks out for him. One day, another "self" from another Japan appears in front of them.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
95-minute movie released on January 25, 2019.
Animated by Craftar Studios.
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Watch 4 |
8 |
8 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
[series:3852#1552] |
Ashita Sekai ga Owaru Toshitemo
(Watch-/ Avoid+)
Relative Worlds felt kind of lifeless and unfocused with its premise involving teens Shin and Kotori being dragged into an inter-world conflict where an alternate Japan is ruled under a tyrannical monarchy and the linking of both worlds means that one person dying in one of them can kill their counterpart in the other one. While the premise is pretty straightforward on paper, the film chooses to dabble into a bit too much by attempting to be both a romantic drama and sci-fi action film, both areas of which making up the first and second halves of the film respectively. The romance drama element doesn't work out because our two lead characters don't have enough dimension to their personalities where I could give a hoot about them and while the "linked worlds" premise is simple enough to follow on the sci-fi end, things with the corrupt empire felt largely unclear as we learn little about the enemy threat nor do they have any kind of direct significant presence throughout the film. Worst off, the anime milks a CG-animated animation style throughout its run. While characters move fluidly enough when in action, the rendering still looks awkward in close camera shots and doesn't do well with properly depicting character faces emoting. In short, it felt like Relative Worlds was trying too be too grand with its plot than it could reasonably be and doesn't do enough with its characters for you to give a hoot about what happens with them. Best to perhaps avoid this film.
Last updated Sunday, May 17 2020. Created Sunday, May 17 2020.