Persona 5 the Animation -The Day Breakers-

Title:Persona 5 the Animation -The Day Breakers-
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - A1 Pictures
SUGITA Tomokazu
Rumor has it that a group known as the 'Phantom Thieves of Hearts', who are somehow capable of 'twisting people's hearts by force' is at large in Tokyo. It turns out that the realm which 'exists between dream and reality, mind and matter' is being employed by four teenagers in a crusade to help the downtrodden.

Franchise Persona
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3503#628]
I had thought at first that this was the first episode of the Spring 2018 Persona 5 series, but it actually seems to be a 2016 special which has now been expanded into a TV series. We are introduced to the four teenagers (and their cat-like guide) who employ mind-twisting virtual reality to fight for justice, and get an example of a typical case they solve. Animation is high quality and premium VAs do the acting. I was entertained although the case was a little confusing--in particular what role the person the Phantom Thieves are targeting was really playing within a criminal gang. The evidence didn't seem to support the semi-shocking conclusion which was ultimately drawn. Being only 24 minutes long, the characters don't get much introduction; we probably get to know the villain more than any of the heroes. Being only a special, I shouldn't draw too many conclusions, but this seems like a fairly interesting premise which I wouldn't mind also watching a TV series about. I'm slightly uncomfortable with the possibility that, like this special, in the TV series the mystery behind the story might be largely made clear in just one episode rather than being something which we gradually explore and solve over time, as was the case with my favorite Persona series, Persona 4.

Last updated Wednesday, April 11 2018. Created Monday, April 09 2018.

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