Akagami no Shirayukihime (TV 2)
Continuing where its first season left off, Snow White with the Red Hair continues its exploration of Shirayuki, Zen and others in the kingdom of Clarines. The first half of the series features an ongoing plot where Shirayuki is caught up in the middle of a complicated kidnapping plot when she makes a return to visit Raji, the prince of Tanbarun who attempted to make her his concubine in the first season of the series. It offers a good deal of development with Raji's character as he tries resolving Shirayuki's abduction and we get to learn some more back story with her character. The remainder of the series is devoted to a series of side-stories focused on fleshing out Zen's aides and providing more development in Zen and Shirayuki's blossoming romance. While a slight step down from its first season due to the lack of an ongoing plot in its second half, the second season of Snow White with the Red Hair is still a worthwhile shoujo title to check out if you enjoyed what its first season had to offer up.
Last updated Monday, March 28 2016. Created Monday, March 28 2016.