Tantei Opera Milky Holmes

Title:Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
探偵オペラ ミルキィホームズ (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: KITTA Izumi
In the future world, people use ‘Toys’ that grant them superhuman abilities like ESP and telekinesis. This has led to a boom in both minor crimes and the need for Toy-using detectives to track down the offenders and bring them to justice. Opera Koyabashi runs the detective agency, Milky Holmes, staffed by four cheerful and energetic girls.
(Synopsis courtesy of ANN)

12 episodes

See also: Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai-Ni-Maku, Futari wa Milky Holmes and Tantei Kageki Milky Holmes TD.

Episode Details 
1893, 1894
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch Stretch [series:2401#628]

(All episodes watched):

By all rights, this ought to have been an idiotic, generic mahou shojo show--that's what I was expecting. Yet I couldn't help modestly enjoying it. Milky Holmes has a touch of fun to it, with likeable, silly characters doing silly things. The MH team were renowned for their magical 'Toy' powers, but right at the start they lose them and turn out to be little more than goofballs. It doesn't help that unknown to them, their arch enemy Arsene is actually the president of the Student Council at their school. Comedy seems to have a distinct priority over mystery--you might say it's a parody of mystery/magical girl shows. It knows better than to take itself too seriously. The slapstick attitude of this series makes me smirk; how often does a girl get a cat stuck in her mouth? The villains have curious personalities as well. I notice that the starring VAs all seem to be newcomers. Before long some jokes seemed to be overused, and the novelty had begun to run out by the end, but I enjoyed myself and never hesitated to continue watching. This is admittedly a 'light' show for when I'd rather not be called upon to think. But I wasn't expecting much going in, and was pleasantly surprised by what I got. It would be easy to disparage this as magical girl crapola, but it has a touch of class. At least they're clearly trying.

I guess Milky has a touch of craziness to it, which is what amused me. I can't help liking these poverty-stricken girls who aren't the brightest ones around but aren't complete morons either, and do their best. The bad guys are kind of freaky, though I like Arsene, their leader. Episode five didn't make a whole lot of sense, and left me confused rather than pleased or displeased. Episode six was laughably absurd, as one of the girls turns out to be the spitting image of a visiting Princess. This show knows how to be funny without revelling in sleazy fanservice (there is some in the OP and ED sequences, but it's bad girl Arsene who is responsible). I looked forward to Milky Holmes each week.

The conclusion didn't make a whole lot of sense; something about Arsene wanting a full fledged battle against the Milky Holmes girls with their Toy powers back to normal. It gave off all sorts of mixed signals (Does Arsene hate them, respect them, grudgingly like them, or what?) but it left me smiling at the end. How could anyone not like these four innocent girls who only want to do their best, and have a one-for-all-and-all-for-one attitude? A bit at the end seemed to suggest a possible second season. TOMH was a mixed bag of episodes which were thoroughly silly and fun and ones which were less so. It could have been much better, but it could have been much worse, too.

My favorite line: "Let's suck it up!"

Last updated Thursday, January 13 2011. Created Thursday, October 21 2010.

Other Sites
Official Milky Holmes website http://milky-holmes.com/

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