Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi

Title:Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
Ookami and the Seven Companions
Wolf and seven companions (babelfish)
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - JC Staff
R1 License - FUNimation
The story centers around Ookami Ryouko, a high school freshman girl known for her fierce looks, unusual canine teeth when she smiles, and wild demeanor (her family name is a homonym with the Japanese word for "wolf"). Akai Ringo is a short high school freshman girl with seemingly cute, angelic looks but a dark demeanor (her name is a Japanese wordplay on "apple" and "Red Riding Hood"). Together with their odd friends, the two fight to change the world, one issue at a time.

Based on Okita Masashi's romantic comedy light novel series. [ANIDB]

Animation by JC Staff.
Series first aired in July 2010.
12 TV Episodes (~24min).

OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 6 7 6 7 7 Ggultra2764 [series:2323#1552]
Okamisan offers up a different take on the stagnant high school comedy anime genre by having characters and plots which are parodies of well-known fairy tales. The show is mostly focused on the everyday activities of the Otogi Bank as they handle cases for clients, both of whom share characteristics similar to fairy tale characters coming from titles such as Red Riding Hood, The Ant and the Grasshopper and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The comedy for the series comes from the blurring of typical cliches found in high school comedies and the characteristics each character has from their fairy tale character or concept, the latter being the comedy highlight for me at points in the series while the former irritated me on occasion with Ryoko's tsundere traits and Ryoshi's social phobia kicking in. The series even comes with a narrator who is far from your typical one as she tends to snark over the flaws of the characters, mocks the typical storytelling format of fairy tales and isn't afraid to make cruel comments over the events that she sees unfold. Also as noted by Jan-Chan, the series does effectively mix in some serious subjects involving its characters such as abandonment, poverty and bullying without losing much of its comedic charm and also giving background and depth to some of its major characters. It does lack a proper ending and I did find Shiro and the school of delinquents he led to be pathetically shallow characters for villains. But other than those issues and my gripes with some of the typical anime cliches, I give Okamisan kudos for doing something different with the high school comedy genre and effectively touching upon serious issues in exploring its characters without losing its comedic focus.

Last updated Friday, December 16 2011. Created Friday, December 16 2011.
Unevaluated Stretch [series:2323#628]
(Two episodes watched):

Reading the synopsis here was informative, because episode one gave no hint whatsoever (as far as I could tell) that Ookami was some sort of Wolfgirl. She just seemed a badass female streetfighter to me. I was going to say that the one thing that bugged me about this episode was that I wish I had been given a more clear explanation of what exactly the basic premise of this show is (some sort of favor lending bank?), but I realize now that that is being saved for a different episode altogether. There might be something to this, but episode one didn't exactly 'grab' me. Lots of wacky characters, but as of yet none have demonstrated themselves to be the sort of person I would particularly like to meet. Morino seems kind of wimpy and it's hard to suspend disbelief that Ookami would have anything to do with him, or that anything good could come of it. I'll be watching some more Ookami-san to see what develops.

...and one more episode is enough to convince me that there is no point to me watching this show. Ookami-san has a strange premise--just not an interesting one. It seems to take an attitude of 'isn't it cool that something that could never in a million years happen is happening?'--like our bizarre cast defeating a small army of delinquent punks? But no, it isn't. I found myself asking, why should I like or care about any of these characters? The show tries to appeal to me with the message 'Look! a romance is budding between Ookami and Morino'! But I do not give a damn about either of them. If Ookami really has any sort of supernatural Wolfiness to her, it has still only been hinted at after two episodes, and my patience has run out. I have better things to do with my time than watch this show; indeed, spending 23 minutes with the TV switched off would probably be more rewarding.

Last updated Thursday, July 22 2010. Created Monday, July 19 2010.
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:2323#967]
The main character is the freshman Ookami Ryouko, well known for her wolf-like demeanor; she is fierce, confrontive, combative and prone to fits of violence using "neko" boxing gloves.

Her partner is the petite Akai Ringo, whose squeaky voice and diminutive stature hide her cunning and manipulative nature.

Joining the duo is Morino Ryoushi. He is an incredibly shy freshman country-boy with some proven skills in stealth and stalking. It just so happens that he is in love with the wolf-girl, followed her around for a week and jumped out to confess to her, only to be shot down. But then he finds himself recruited by his high school's Otogi Bank - a group of students dedicated to helping out other students with issues such as being stalked, forlorn romances and trouble in school. He is assigned to work with Ookami and Akai and help them with their projects. But this group of elites take their client's requests very seriously and charge a very unique price for their services.....

What a fun first episode!! This series tries to take a comedic and zany approach to some potentially serious issues (stalking, school bullies, etc). While it might not rank up with Baka to Test, it certainly will appeal to the Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka (TV) crowd with its collection of unique characters and strange antics.

Last updated Thursday, July 22 2010. Created Saturday, May 01 2010.

Other Sites
Japanese Series Web Site http://www.otogi-bank.com/

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