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Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design | Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer | |
Watch | 8 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 8 |
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[series:2193#2279] |
Art, Animation & Character Designs Artwork seemed about average. It's neither good nor bad. We do have some kawaii characters (the females) and kawaii character types. Backgrounds were fairly well done although not exactly filled with details or vibrant with colors.... but still well acceptable. Music The OP was interesting! I ended up really liking it since it had a blend of alternative and hard-rock... or simply put, alternative-rock. Some of the riffs were pretty cool. The soundtrack has some very light flutes, pianos and similar. Basically elevator music. Series and Episode Story As mentioned above, I hadn't known this was infact the second season. So i'm gonna have to go back and watch the first season. So here's a series that slightly reminded me of "Comic Party" even though they have no obvious similarities... or even "not" obvious. It just happened to pop into my mind as I sat through the first episode. You have all your typical episodes... such as hotsprings scene(s), etc. You also have your (stereo)typical character sets and comic reliefs. So originality? Seriously lacking to say the least. Nevertheless, this series has a slight charm to it that kept me watching each episode... if not less-than intently. There is some humor here and there... as well as a bit of fan service.... or rather, alot of fan service. Yuto, our protagonist, is the wuss type I seriously dislike as a character type. No guts, no brains and no balls. Yet, he has all the luck with the girls. Why didn't I get that when I was growing up! Darn!! Oh well. Overall, this series was fun to watch. It had plenty of characters, sometimes was charming, sometimes funny but all (or mostly) enjoyment. Last updated Tuesday, May 03 2011. Created Tuesday, May 03 2011. |
So here's another series that I jumped into without knowing that this is infact a second season. Darn! I hate when I do that. Now i'm forced to pick up the first one to see what I missed or fill in questions I might have from this one.||||||||
Watch | 7 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 7 |
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[series:2193#752] |
Much weaker than the first season but enough for watching it as a sequel. Ecchi has increased (nudity, bouncing boobs, fondling, suggestive dialogs, spilled milk, pantsu shots galore) at the expense of story; it's symptomatic that Hazuki gets the least airtime amongst the maids this time. Both the otaku theme and Shiina being a potential rival aren't really present any more. Nice OP song again (speed-metal pop); the ending in SD format is not of my liking, the additional super loli combat maid isn't what I was looking for either; the repetitive behavior of Haruka's father isn't funny any more as well. Then again, Miran is a great add-on to this show and several arcs successfully added a slight dose of drama. So this show ended up 10 points better than Girls Bravo.
Last updated Tuesday, November 22 2011. Created Thursday, October 21 2010. |
[Score: 68% = "Watch+"]||||||||
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[series:2193#628] | ||||||
I remembered the original NHnH as a show which was by no means brilliant, but had a certain charm to it, and as a result I was looking forward to this second season. It didn't take long for episode one of Purezza to dash my hopes. It soon struck me that, Uh... these jokes are rather stale. There's mushy, lovey-dovey stuff, but very little originality--the show just seemed shallow. A typical trip to a hotspring (of course Yuuto should hide in the women's bath rather than apologize for his mistake and slip away before things get out of hand); wouldn't you think that a little freshness might be a good idea with which to begin a new season? It's generally not a good sign when I find myself repeatedly thinking of ways in which I would have rewritten the script if given a chance. The new character, a deadly blond-haired child maid(?) seemed cheap and patronizing--as if the makers thought I'd laugh at anything odd which they threw at me. God, this just seemed so appallingly poorly thought-out; very little talent was in evidence. Perhaps my hopes were too high, but this most certainly did not bode well for the series as a whole. I guess episode two was significantly better, though again by no means brilliant. The main difference was that this one did something interesting, i.e, tag along as Haruka and Yuuto attempt to write and draw a doujinshi and sell it at a small convention. One of my disappointments with the original series was that for all her "otakuness", Haruka really didn't do much of interest to others of the same kind. I figured that maybe this was a sign that that problem has been fixed, but I wouldn't hold my breath (and it's a good thing that I didn't). Unfortunately, the story is pretty brief and shallow, and we don't learn much which we probably didn't already know. Instead, a lot of time and effort is devoted to a naughty misunderstanding by Haruka's sister and servants of just what she and Yuuto have been up to while alone together. This episode was rather modest, but represented enough of an improvement over the first that I'd just barely be willing to watch the series. Episode three, in which Yuuto takes a part-time job as a butler for a snotty rich girl, sort of seemed like a parody of Hayate no Gotoku!. But a parody needs to be of similar or better quality than the show it is making fun of, and that was clearly not the case. Episode four was full of Christmas hijinx and--horrors--Yuuto coming down sick (actually just exhausted by another part-time job). It seems that this show relies heavily on the viewer thinking that Yuuto and Haruka's relationship is very sweet and being entertained just by that. The jokes and plot, on the other hand, are mediocre. This almost feels like more filler episodes which didn't make the cut for the first season rather than much of anything novel for a second one. Episode five, with the Maid and Butler End of Year Party, had a couple good jokes, like the Maids who specialize in jet aircraft maintenance. But we never did get an explanation of the missing level-2 maid. The conclusion with the obnoxious guy crashing the party was kind of crude, however. In general, Purezza seems probably the single show of the Fall season which came closest to being abandoned by me yet somehow wasn't. The jokes are the sort which make me smile but seldom laugh, and the plot is uninteresting and uninspired. Frankly, there's an infinite number of anime series out there which would be a better use of my time. If this had been a new show rather than the second season of a series which I'd already watched (and thus felt an inexplicable duty to watch the rest), I'd probably have written it off by this point. Thankfully, episode ten finally breaks out of the abysmal filler episode mode and the main dilema of the series begins to emerge. Not that I expect much of it, but anything is better than continuing on as before. It didn't make a whole lot of sense: Yuuto being offered a remarkable job as a result of an accident made me roll my eyes; and Haruka is highly wealthy after all, and has no need to become a star. Did she ever mention a wish to do so? My impression was that she was appearing in an "audition" just because she had been told that there weren't enough contenders and had been begged to fill one of the spots. But I did feel a rebirth of a glimmer of curiousity about how things would work out. In episode 11 I could only roll my eyes when Yuuto was told that he must stay away from Haruka lest he distract her from her budding career--and naturally he believes the story without a second thought. We all know that Haruka would abandon her idol career in the blink of an eye if she knew about this. I was so appalled by this simplistic, done-before "crisis" that I was tempted to give up on the series altogether. Yet somehow the climax worked fairly well; it was corny, schmaltzy, unimaginitive, yet also kind of sweet. Perhaps it's because Yuuto and Haruka are so innocent and naive that they are incredibly reluctant to move their romance just one step forward--in hoping that some day they will do so, we feel like we are beating our heads against a brick wall. In the post-crisis episode twelve Yuuto and Haruka are surprisingly daring as they get a chance to be alone and get intimate. It looks like there just might be 'banging' going on, and not of our heads against the wall. A moment of second thinking tells us that that's not going to happen, but this episode was fun nevertheless. In the end the simple sweetness of Yuuto and Haruka's relationship didn't go for nothing. I'm modestly glad that I didn't quit this series before the end, since I felt that I got a bit of a reward for all the tedious episodes which I had endured. My favorite line: "Hot springs, huh? It's a standard for late-night anime. It's cheap, but can't go without it" --The green-haired guy Last updated Friday, January 01 2010. Created Friday, October 09 2009. |
(All episodes watched):||||||||
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[series:2193#967] | ||||||
AYASE Yuto is a normal average high school student, who tries blend in and not attract attention. His girlfriend, NOGIZAKA Haruka was traumatized in junior high school when everyone found out that she was an ‘otaku’ and ostracized her. And now they are in high school. While her good looks and music abilities have made her a school idol, she has to hide her passion for her hobby. But it is their family members that are the cause of much trouble and comedy in this series. Yuto lives with his fun-loving and boozy older sister, and her ditzy friend who happens to be a homeroom teacher at their school. Haruka comes from a very rich family with overprotective bodyguards, meddling maids and crazy parents. She also has a younger sister who has decided that she is going to help their relationship along (whatever that means….). So balanced against the quiet little high school romance of Yuto and Haruka are a handful of colorful and crazy meddlers who are always getting out of control and muddling the situation up. And the first episode in the 2nd season introduces yet another strange character. Haruka’s family has a new cute little lolicon maid, who hides that she is a crazed and vicious combat oriented bodyguard. Last updated Thursday, October 21 2010. Created Tuesday, October 06 2009. |
I have to admit that I am very fond of this series. A story with two main characters who are actually quite normal, especially when compared to their family and friends.||||||||
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[series:2193#1573] | ||||||
Here's a summary of the last 9 episodes (Each of them). Meet Yuuto. Yuuto Almost kisses Haruka. Random girl (Sister, friend) tries to kiss him. Episode over. While I watch it, it doesn't have the aura of the previous season. Last updated Friday, December 04 2009. Created Tuesday, October 06 2009. |
Analysis :9 Fansubs watched||||||||