
住めば都のコスモス荘 すっとこ大戦ドッコイダー
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - UFOTable
Suzuo Sakurazaki just moved to Tokyo from the country. With no job and no money he is sad. Tanpopo is an alien that works for a Toy company that manufactures super suits. He needs a job, and she needs a tester. They meet up and both needs are settled. Suzuo tries out the suit and becomes the super man Dokkoida who is there to save the day. While out on a mission Tanpopo discovers that another rival toy company has also decided on Earth to test out their super suit and has found the Asaka (Nerloid Girl), a girl who the suit fits very snugly. To hide from them Tanpopo puts up Suzuo in a small apartment building. Little do they know but their next door neighbor is Asaka!

Day by day passes and new villans appear and fight Dokkoida and Nerloid girl but after each villan appears, Suzuo and Asaka get a new neighbor! Suspicious!

Animation by UFOTable.
12 TV Episodes (~25 min)
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent Forbin [series:1119#1573]
Drama : Low
Comedy : Med
Action : Med
SciFi : High
Ecchi : Med

I actually watched this a while ago and didn't notice that there wasn't an entry. It's pretty funny and it's a good parody. You should see when Suzuo realizes that his suit looks like a diaper and Nerloid girl's is a swim suit :).

If you need a laugh, then watch this.

Last updated Friday, July 22 2005. Created Friday, July 22 2005.

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