MAR - Heaven

Title:MAR - Heaven
Marchen Awakens Romance
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Original Concept - ANZAI Nobuyuki
A junior high school student keeps having these reoccurring dreams of adventures in a distant land of magic and fairy creatures. All of Kosi Ginta's classmates are used to his strange actions and ramblings, and they have great fun in teasing him about it. Only the cute Tomonia is willing to listen him, and offer him support. And then one day the classroom is beset with darkness, and a strange gate creature appears to offer him a door to another world. A world with witches, werewolves, and strange items called ARMs, which have been created by magic and bestow on the user special abilities.
TV series, 2005-2007, 102 episodes
Animation production by Synergy Japan and Xebec
Episode Details 
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Forbin [series:1021#1573]
Drama : Low
Comedy : Med
Action : Med
SciFi : High
Ecchi : Low

I'm a bit of a sucker for RPG type animes, so when I saw this in a Viz Promo Mag I decided to D/L it.

It's not overly funny, but the drawing is very good and the plot (Boy exploring a world full of Magic) is a good premise. More after I see more.

Last updated Thursday, August 11 2005. Created Thursday, August 11 2005.
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:1021#967]
(April 2005) I have only seen the first episode of this series, but it comes across as be a VERY simple and straight forward "boy gets his dream to go adventuring in a distance land, where he picks up special powers and items" type of story. I don't know, but I do think that there is a new RPG computer game in the works based on this series.

If you are in the twelve and under crowd, then you might really enjoy this magical-adventure-romance series.
(Sept 2006) Episde 43 has been aired and it appears as if this may be licensed for R1/USA release. And the computers games are probably not far off.

Last updated Monday, September 25 2006. Created Sunday, April 17 2005.

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